Richard Barager: This story was inspired by the most unusual patient I ever had, a man who, when public cross-dressing was rare, came to my office wearing a dress and a bra.

A doctor’s religious doubt is shaken by a transplant patient’s eerie knowledge of his organ donor’s most intimate secret.

Continue ReadingRichard Barager: This story was inspired by the most unusual patient I ever had, a man who, when public cross-dressing was rare, came to my office wearing a dress and a bra.

Christopher Zoukis on his IRDA Winning FEDERAL PRISON HANDBOOK

"The Federal Prison Handbook" is the leading Federal Bureau of Prisons survival guide and policy analysis text. Simply put, if you or a loved one are heading to federal prison (or are already incarcerated), you need this book.

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Matt Ingwalson on the way genre fiction (in this case, horror) lets us examine relationships in a very immediate + personal way

Anyone who’s had a baby knows that the first year is terrifying. A child represents love and grace and hope. But never again will you have privacy, financial security, or a moment of rest.

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Steve Wiley on “The Fairytale Chicago of Francesca Finnegan”

When we first encounter Richard K. Lyons, he is a man who has long forgotten the one night, when he was still a boy called Rich, when an exceptional girl by the name of Francesca invited him aboard a secret L train for an adventure though the mythical East Side of the city.

Continue ReadingSteve Wiley on “The Fairytale Chicago of Francesca Finnegan”