Adam Clemente: “There was a personal imperative for me to mention Pop-Tarts at least once every single sentence…”

"Not That I Recall" is a comedy novella about the clumsy, confusing, adventures of a supernaturally dim-witted man named Ray.

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Summer Hines: The desire to live different lives through reading becomes the desire to create different lives through writing.

It's been eight years since Harper Bennett left her rural hometown of Avon, Wyoming for New York City.

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Scott Semegran’s Advice to Fellow Indies: “Don’t let anyone get in the way of your desire to be creative and write.”

BOYS is about three young, male characters growing up in central Texas during the 1980s and 1990s: a third-grader, a high-schooler, and a recent college graduate.

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IR VERDICT: Four sisters are drawn back to their southern roots when their father falls terminally ill.  Told primarily in flashbacks and reminisces, GONER is a fascinating family drama about…

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Michael & Mitchell Webb on Beyond Tithes & Offerings: A closer look at traditional giving and its impact on Christian responsibility.

Hidden in the shadows of monetary tithing, many Christians have lost sight of their calling to love one another.

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Elizabeth Antonucci on finding your voice after a lifetime of silence and using that voice to change your world

The story of a woman who stared death in the face and made a conscious decision to live. After a fatal car accident, Elizabeth woke up in a hospital bed with a fractured neck, arm, shoulder, and other injuries. 

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Fyodor Bukowski on his inspiration: “My own plight + the sufferings of the exploited + forgotten sentient beings of this world.”

A trailer-park resident named Frank spies a picture of a stunning nineteen-year-old beauty in a catalog of Russian and Ukrainian women. Against the advice of Eddie, his schizophrenic best friend, he decides to write to her.

Continue ReadingFyodor Bukowski on his inspiration: “My own plight + the sufferings of the exploited + forgotten sentient beings of this world.”

L.G. O’Connor on becoming an author: I didn’t really decide, it just…happened.

An engaged young woman agrees to spend two weeks with an ailing young CEO-in-training due to inherit his dead father’s conglomerate—if he can convince the board he’s healthy and going to marry.

Continue ReadingL.G. O’Connor on becoming an author: I didn’t really decide, it just…happened.