Advice from IR Approved Author David Gittlin: “Learn the basics of creating compelling characters and plots from established, professional writers.” 

The year is 2038. Earth’s biosphere is on the brink of destruction from the effects of global warming and pollution.

Continue ReadingAdvice from IR Approved Author David Gittlin: “Learn the basics of creating compelling characters and plots from established, professional writers.” 

Advice from IR Approved Author Sarah Mendivel: “Passion and creativity are admirable, but they won’t be enough to sit at the big kid’s table.”

"Sam's Theory" is a YA empowerment novel about a teen healing from trauma.

Continue ReadingAdvice from IR Approved Author Sarah Mendivel: “Passion and creativity are admirable, but they won’t be enough to sit at the big kid’s table.”

IR Approved Author Vincent Hunanyan on his advice to fellow indies: “Persevere”

The book consists of short stories derived from the author's life, growing up with older brothers and a single-mom, and his transition from childhood to adulthood in an environment of alcoholism, violence, loss and war.  

Continue ReadingIR Approved Author Vincent Hunanyan on his advice to fellow indies: “Persevere”

Advice from IR Approved Author RD Meyer: “Remember that even Harry Potter was rejected by nearly a dozen publishers.”

Mike Faulkner wants to kill God.  No, he doesn't want to convince less people to believe; he wants to confront the deity Himself and watch Him die.

Continue ReadingAdvice from IR Approved Author RD Meyer: “Remember that even Harry Potter was rejected by nearly a dozen publishers.”

Author Janice Coy: “The best part about being an indie author is that I’m able to write the stories that interest me on my timetable.”

Ruby’s nose for news is twitching. As a hard-charging investigative reporter, it’s served her well in the past. But this time, will her penchant for discovering the truth do more harm than good?

Continue ReadingAuthor Janice Coy: “The best part about being an indie author is that I’m able to write the stories that interest me on my timetable.”

Author M.A.N. on why people should read his IR Approved book, RUN: “To gain perspective with and empathize with victims of systemic racism, especially when it’s carried out by the police.”

RUN is about two brothers, Jabari and Jaheem, who are forced to flee after barely surviving a police stop gone horribly awry.

Continue ReadingAuthor M.A.N. on why people should read his IR Approved book, RUN: “To gain perspective with and empathize with victims of systemic racism, especially when it’s carried out by the police.”

Randy Niederman on THE MYTH OF LOVE: “The male character is based on my time working as a private investigator…The female lead character is based on a Russian woman I became friends with, who worked as a dominatrix.”

The premise for this novel--a love affair, in which the woman leaves a man--came during a solitary drive from Athens, Georgia to South Florida. It’s a ten-hour drive and my GPS battery died an hour in, causing me to miss a turn.

Continue ReadingRandy Niederman on THE MYTH OF LOVE: “The male character is based on my time working as a private investigator…The female lead character is based on a Russian woman I became friends with, who worked as a dominatrix.”