IR Approved Author Jane Powell on the best and worst of being an indie: “Marketing!”

Full of both laughter and sorrow, Butterflies in the System brings readers on a journey through a year in the life of Sam and her friends as they navigate group-homes, detention centres, and street life in Montreal.

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IR Approved Author Andrew Carnabuci: “I found my way to Anglo-Saxon literature the way I suspect many do, by way of Tolkien.”

What you will find is the complete arc of Beowulf’s life, from his youthful zeal to sail to Denmark to do battle with Grendel, through his many trials and triumphs, and finally his spectacular fall and death.

Continue ReadingIR Approved Author Andrew Carnabuci: “I found my way to Anglo-Saxon literature the way I suspect many do, by way of Tolkien.”

Advice from IR Approved Author Michael Goddart:”Cultivate and follow your intuition.”

In this transformative book, readers are given an invaluable guide to awakening and empowering their higher consciousness so that they can readily navigate their life successfully, happily, easily.

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IR Approved Author Isabella Ides on the best part of being an indie: “I am free to dance with my personal muse and ignore all the noise of the marketplace.”

The Godma’s Daughters is a love story, a time traveler’s journey, a tale of border crossings. By turns visionary, dangerous, enchanting. With unforgettable characters to love, including a charming burro named Pants-on-Fire and two pairs of young lovers whose stories reach deep into the Maya past.

Continue ReadingIR Approved Author Isabella Ides on the best part of being an indie: “I am free to dance with my personal muse and ignore all the noise of the marketplace.”

Advice from IR Approved Author Ayn Cates Sullivan: “Don’t let a bad review keep you from writing.”

The novel "Nimue" begins in 21st-century New York City, 17-year-old Nina and her mother, Diana, are finally finding their footing while recovering from the death of Nina’s father, Felix.

Continue ReadingAdvice from IR Approved Author Ayn Cates Sullivan: “Don’t let a bad review keep you from writing.”