IR Approved Author Steve Hermanos on his Motivation: “I’m addicted to the challenge of writing novels people will enjoy.”

My quest was to write the most exciting baseball novel ever, and hope that it appeals to marginal baseball fans and non-fans.

Continue ReadingIR Approved Author Steve Hermanos on his Motivation: “I’m addicted to the challenge of writing novels people will enjoy.”

Advice from IR Approved Author C.J. Fournier: “When writing a scene, begin the action at the latest possible moment, and leave at the earliest possible moment.”

When struggling journalist Denny Durant starts asking questions about an accidental overdose at a Montreal strip club, he soon discovers the overdose was no accident.

Continue ReadingAdvice from IR Approved Author C.J. Fournier: “When writing a scene, begin the action at the latest possible moment, and leave at the earliest possible moment.”

Advice from IR Approved Author John Righten: “Have faith in yourself and take comfort from the fact that trolls always look the part.”

A man stands by the freshly dug grave of his daughter. Behind him, assassins steal into the graveyard. It’s time for the Englander to face those who took those he loved.

Continue ReadingAdvice from IR Approved Author John Righten: “Have faith in yourself and take comfort from the fact that trolls always look the part.”

IR Approved Author A.I.Fabler: “Self-publishing allows the writer to get on with it, without waiting in hope.”

A beautiful young singer-songwriter ends up dead on a Madison Avenue sidewalk, a gun in her hand — just another New York mugging, except she was the mugger.

Continue ReadingIR Approved Author A.I.Fabler: “Self-publishing allows the writer to get on with it, without waiting in hope.”

IR Approved Author Ross Hightower: “I write because I love my stories.”

Cursed with extraordinary powers, Minna is branded a witch and resigns herself to a lonely life. But titanic forces are at play in the Empire, forces with Minna's fate in mind, and in her early teens, she must leave her small life and step onto history's grand stage.

Continue ReadingIR Approved Author Ross Hightower: “I write because I love my stories.”

Advice from IR Approved Author Shaun Barrowes: “Don’t write for them, write for yourself.”

A privileged teen from a "gated" planet is kidnapped by rebels and forced to slum it on a flooded Earth, where her only chance at escape is turning a lowly group of athletes into world champions. 

Continue ReadingAdvice from IR Approved Author Shaun Barrowes: “Don’t write for them, write for yourself.”

Advice from IR Approved Author Davide Simon Mazzoli: “Don’t stop reading, don’t stop writing and never stop believing.”

The first year of high school can be difficult, but for Leonardo, red hair like fire and a face full of freckles, it is much more than difficult; it’s a real nightmare.

Continue ReadingAdvice from IR Approved Author Davide Simon Mazzoli: “Don’t stop reading, don’t stop writing and never stop believing.”

IR Approved Author Courtney Lochner: “Being an indie author means you’re doing your own marketing, but the reality is, you’d be doing the same with a big publisher.”

Designed to offer a simulated experience of studying abroad, the French House at the University of Wisconsin instead repeatedly falls victim to tragedy.

Continue ReadingIR Approved Author Courtney Lochner: “Being an indie author means you’re doing your own marketing, but the reality is, you’d be doing the same with a big publisher.”