Alex Tsiatsos on his IR Approved book, “M’s Celebrity”

Steven, the first person narrator, discovers a man whom he refers to as M.  Steven believes that M may be a genius, and together they begin a program of unusual activism against what they see as the wrong-headed aspects of their world.

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Advice from IR Approved Kaylin McFarren: “Stay focused on why you’ve chosen to write and publish books.”

Akira Hamada, a beautiful Japanese geisha, failed at killing Kaito Mitsui two years ago—the same yakuza gang leader who destroyed her lover and forced her to become an assassin.

Continue ReadingAdvice from IR Approved Kaylin McFarren: “Stay focused on why you’ve chosen to write and publish books.”

Brian Corley’s on his IR Approved GHOST BULLY: “…you’re in the mood to watch something written by Tim Burton and Rick Linklater, but directed by Seth Rogen.”

A dead guy finds his purpose in life and must fight off a graveyard full of ghosts and an ancient evil in order to save his friends.

Continue ReadingBrian Corley’s on his IR Approved GHOST BULLY: “…you’re in the mood to watch something written by Tim Burton and Rick Linklater, but directed by Seth Rogen.”

IR Approved Author Deborah Cupples on her inspiration: “In 2017, America woke up. Enormous numbers of people began scrutinizing our government and speaking out thunderously.”

IT IS ABOUT YOU… is a nonpartisan, plain-language guide to how government works and explains ways that you can have some influence over government’s impact on your life.

Continue ReadingIR Approved Author Deborah Cupples on her inspiration: “In 2017, America woke up. Enormous numbers of people began scrutinizing our government and speaking out thunderously.”

Advice from Author John V. Wylie: “The audience in your own head has to sustain you.”

Ape Mind, Old Mind, New Mind is a memoir by a psychiatrist who gradually discovers from his patient's descriptions of their mental illnesses that human motivations have evolved over millions of years for productive engagement rather than competitive fitness.

Continue ReadingAdvice from Author John V. Wylie: “The audience in your own head has to sustain you.”

J J Haas Talks about Taking Kurt Vonnegut’s Advice for his book “Welcome to Sugarville”

"Welcome to Sugarville", a town where fantasy meets reality and visitors take journeys of the imagination into the unknown. J. J. Haas stuns and delights with this engaging collection of linked stories. 

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IR Approved Author S. Amaranthine discusses her “Vencello Trilogy”

A human and orca mother both lose their sons on the same day. Those deaths are the catalyst for subsequent events that take place in the ocean and culminate in an unexpected solution to their perspective problems. 

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Advice from IR Approved Author Shannon Harrington: “Keep writing. It was the best advice I received from many authors when I was a young man and just commenced my journey as a writer.” 

Charmer Boy, Gypsy Girl is a saga of love based on the real-life events of the celebrated pair Bosko and Admira, also known as the Romeo and Juliet of Sarajevo who fall in love against the backdrop of a soon-to-be war-torn country.

Continue ReadingAdvice from IR Approved Author Shannon Harrington: “Keep writing. It was the best advice I received from many authors when I was a young man and just commenced my journey as a writer.” 

Christopher J Driver on his IR Approved Memoir: “The book doesn’t offer self-help, inspirational uplift or fix anyone’s problems, but it is packed with authentic, darkly comic stories that may resonate with others…trying to apply a liberal arts education to the modern workplace and still feel like a human being.”

After earning a master’s degree in English, I didn’t want to teach and simply wanted a foot in the door to a professional writing career, basically in any industry, but with a full-time paycheck and benefits.

Continue ReadingChristopher J Driver on his IR Approved Memoir: “The book doesn’t offer self-help, inspirational uplift or fix anyone’s problems, but it is packed with authentic, darkly comic stories that may resonate with others…trying to apply a liberal arts education to the modern workplace and still feel like a human being.”

Author Michael Fleming: “Life got in the way of my creative writing for a long time, but I’m so glad I’ve rediscovered my love for it.”

Taking place in a city of refugees in the Pacific Northwest nearly two centuries from now, this is a story of two teenage friends, Ada Anand and Aisling Connors, and how their lives are affected by terrorist violence in their society.

Continue ReadingAuthor Michael Fleming: “Life got in the way of my creative writing for a long time, but I’m so glad I’ve rediscovered my love for it.”

Brian J. Robinson: “‘ADDERALL BLUES questions everything we think we know about ADHD, and it all happens from authentic subjectivity.”

ADDERALL BLUES is a passionate memoir that provides shocking access to the inner workings of the misunderstood ADHD mind.

Continue ReadingBrian J. Robinson: “‘ADDERALL BLUES questions everything we think we know about ADHD, and it all happens from authentic subjectivity.”