6 Nearly Naked Indie Cover Boys (April)
Because a sexy hunk is all it takes to get us to the first page.
Because a sexy hunk is all it takes to get us to the first page.
Free Speech Isn't Free Everywhere, Never Pick a Fight with an Author, Amazon's New Challenge to Wattpad + more in this week's round-up
PubSlush authors donate $10K to NaNoWriMo, Print is Not Dead, Mind Your Punctuation + More in this week's round-up
How a busy woman can also be a writer, the French say 'non' to KU, the SFWA finally open to indie authors + more in this week's round-up
These days, self-publishing doesn't necessarily mean your novel will wither and die, unread, on the digital and real life bookshelves.
High-Tech Discoverability, Girl Authors Rule, The Importance of Having a Plan + more in this week's round-up
The Origins of the Word "Nerd", Why Our Computers Need to Obey US, Let's Get Romantic + more in this week's round-up.
Because a sexy hunk is all it takes to get us to the first page.
Since many 1st editions fetch big sums at auction, IR takes a closer look at originally self-pubbed titles with traditionally published make-overs
The first two installments of M. Leighton's Bad Boys series were published by Leighton herself in 2012 and 2013 respectively (and should be familiar to those who are up on their IR Bestseller Lists).
Originally self-published in 2012, the first installment was picked up by Little, Brown Book Group and given a slightly updated cover.
E.L. James is one of the great indie success stories, taking a Twilight fan-fiction series published on the web to a Hollywood film in under five years.
In anticipation of HBO's new drama (from the guy who brought you LOST), here are five books that also feature world-wide, apocalyptic catastrophes.