6 Nearly Naked Indie Cover Boys (April)
Because a sexy hunk is all it takes to get us to the first page.
Because a sexy hunk is all it takes to get us to the first page.
Free Speech Isn't Free Everywhere, Never Pick a Fight with an Author, Amazon's New Challenge to Wattpad + more in this week's round-up
PubSlush authors donate $10K to NaNoWriMo, Print is Not Dead, Mind Your Punctuation + More in this week's round-up
How a busy woman can also be a writer, the French say 'non' to KU, the SFWA finally open to indie authors + more in this week's round-up
These days, self-publishing doesn't necessarily mean your novel will wither and die, unread, on the digital and real life bookshelves.
High-Tech Discoverability, Girl Authors Rule, The Importance of Having a Plan + more in this week's round-up
The Origins of the Word "Nerd", Why Our Computers Need to Obey US, Let's Get Romantic + more in this week's round-up.
Because a sexy hunk is all it takes to get us to the first page.
Since many 1st editions fetch big sums at auction, IR takes a closer look at originally self-pubbed titles with traditionally published make-overs
In anticipation of HBO's new drama (from the guy who brought you LOST), here are five books that also feature world-wide, apocalyptic catastrophes.