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Indiereader author Blog

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IR Approved Author Jeanine LeBlanc: “Love and hope are the basis for my motivation.”  

Simultaneously heartbreaking and heart restoring, HEALING HEARTS: Shatterproof, Jeanine LeBlanc’s courageous compilation of firsthand accounts about surviving life’s hardest knocks.

Advice from IR Approved Author Amanda Dauvin: “Don’t be afraid to outsource.”

"Grandfather's Key" is a heartfelt story about a spirited girl named Eva who receives a small key on her birthday that opens something special belonging to her grandfather.

Advice IR Approved Paul Schumacher: “Write to an audience of one: yourself.”

To me, it’s about learning to forgive, both others and yourself.

IR Approved Author J.L. Askew Tells All About His Book

The book is non-fiction, history, resulting from four years research, online, and at multiple locations: libraries, museums, genealogical societies, cemeteries, and sites where the events took place.

IR Approved Author Monica Bauer: “Anybody who writes in pursuit of fame and fortune needs therapy.”

In “DNA, or The Book of Brad,” a comic love story of women’s fiction, adoptee Rose Pettigrew, a young black legal aid lawyer in Los Angeles who aches to find her “real family,” discovers through...

IR Approved Author Dustin Herriman: “To know that I had an effect on someone, even if that effect was simply to entertain them for a while, is an intensely satisfying feeling.”

Set in a world where Gods exist and have tangible influence on the comings and goings of mortals, this story follows the adventures of a young man named Zakul from a long misunderstood tribe of Disciples...

Advice from IR Approved Author K. Thomas: “Even if one person reads your book and thinks, ‘Wow, I love this,’ it’s worth it.”

Senlis is your typical artist. Empath, hater of mornings, and the bearer of a strange name passed down from her grandmother. With a penchant for caffeine and a pet ghost, she's just trying to live...

IR Approved Author Jane Buckley: “I do dream of wearing Chanel to the Oscar premiere of the “Stones Corner” series when they make it into films!”

A Catholic girl from the Bogside and the Protestant heir to a big local employer… In her youthful innocence, Caitlin believes their love can overcome the triple obstacles of politics, class and faith.

IR Approved Author Renee James: “the most challenging part [of being indie] would have to be wearing so many hats simultaneously.”

Patroosh is a cheeky pelican who always wants more. He'll even take the food right out of your hand or flap his big wings until you drop it in the sand.