IRDA Winning Author Nancy Yeager: “Being an indie means being in charge of every aspect of my career, which is exhilarating and liberating…”

The right and proper Viscount Meriden is desperate for one wild night of abandon in his staid life. The virtuous Miss Luci Wagner is in search of her missing father. When these two old friends meet at a debauched house party, propriety is the last thing on their minds.

Continue ReadingIRDA Winning Author Nancy Yeager: “Being an indie means being in charge of every aspect of my career, which is exhilarating and liberating…”

IRDA Winning Author Herb Thompson: “The best part [of being indie] is being free to write from the heart…”

For readers who want to better understand what a veteran goes through when they leave the military, "The Transition Mission" will give them insights. 

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IRDA Winning Author Michael Matthews: “Indie publishing is generally more profitable…”

If you’re tired of restrictive, unsustainable crash diets, endless cardio, and repeatedly losing weight only to gain it all back a few months later and you want to be lean, strong, and fit without requiring superstar genetics or wasting hours and hours in the gym then you want to read "Thinner Leaner Stronger". 

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IRDA Winning Authors Jim & Stephanie Kroepfl: “Writing gives us purpose and an endless challenge.”

When someone dies, all their accumulated knowledge dies with them. It’s even more tragic when that person is trying to cure cancer or find the answer to renewable energy.

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IRDA Winning Author Eli N. Weintraub: “My motivation is helping others avoid suffering from PTSD…”

In 1976 Nancy Weintraub set out with a friend, against her parents’ wishes, to spend a year in San Miguel de Allende attending art school. Nancy was in heaven as she experienced international travel and the art scene, but a horrific accident in a lonely Mexican desert took away her life as she knew it.

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IRDA Winning Author Michael Dane: “I hope that all marginalized people–not only the LGBT community–will find value and comfort in this honest account and perhaps feel less alone.”

In this current climate of post-truth and subjective reality it is important that we recognize our past and the challenges that ignited the gay rights movement at a time when we were invisible. In HomoAmerican - The Secret Society I remember that time.

Continue ReadingIRDA Winning Author Michael Dane: “I hope that all marginalized people–not only the LGBT community–will find value and comfort in this honest account and perhaps feel less alone.”

IRDA Winning Author Mike Murphey: “The hardest part [of being indie] is finding a place in this vast marketplace.”

The lives of three friends are shattered by the murder of a classmate during their sophomore year of high school in a small town on the high plains of Eastern New Mexico where life is defined by straight roads and straight laces.

Continue ReadingIRDA Winning Author Mike Murphey: “The hardest part [of being indie] is finding a place in this vast marketplace.”