Advice from IR Approved Author Susan Allen: “Don’t let your negative voice stop you from writing a book – it is not a stupid idea.”

"Count Me In" is the memoir of the trailblazer, Susan Allen – a global leader and once one of Canada’s Top 100 Most Powerful Women.

Continue ReadingAdvice from IR Approved Author Susan Allen: “Don’t let your negative voice stop you from writing a book – it is not a stupid idea.”

Advice from IR Approved Author Bob Mantel: “Always remember that no one’s waiting for your book.”

"The Velvet Badge" initially concerns soldier Donny Damon’s mistaken belief that President Kennedy has reached out to him during the Cuban Missile Crisis and his ludicrous, peripheral  involvement in JFK’s subsequent assassination.

Continue ReadingAdvice from IR Approved Author Bob Mantel: “Always remember that no one’s waiting for your book.”

Advice from IR Approved Author Peta-Ann Wood: “Have the faith in your ability to write and write from your heart and soul.”

"What Happens When They Don’t Grow Back" is about my life altering event and is an insight into how and why I went against society's need for normal and the perception that women need breasts to be accepted and numerous other aha moments along the way.

Continue ReadingAdvice from IR Approved Author Peta-Ann Wood: “Have the faith in your ability to write and write from your heart and soul.”

IR Approved Author Daniel McKay on his Motivation: “I mean, fortune would be nice.”

A classic grumpy-genuis-detective story but with a philosophical twist. Instead of knowing all about blood spatter or forensic psychology, John's expertise is in philosophy and logical argument.

Continue ReadingIR Approved Author Daniel McKay on his Motivation: “I mean, fortune would be nice.”

Advice from IR Approved Author Genie Higbee: “…honor your fleeting inspirations—write them down, save them, those thoughts offer invaluable fuel in the long haul.”

When Douglas Tryzyna deciphers the voice of an incognito violin, he realizes they are destined to spark goodwill with music. An avid student, he gets tangled with a violin professor.

Continue ReadingAdvice from IR Approved Author Genie Higbee: “…honor your fleeting inspirations—write them down, save them, those thoughts offer invaluable fuel in the long haul.”