IR Approved Author Brent Monahan: “The best part [of being indie] is that I can write about topics that interest me instead of being tied to a certain readership.”

Although set in the capital of the Third Reich in the closing days of W. W. II, Escaping Berlin is not a war story.

Continue ReadingIR Approved Author Brent Monahan: “The best part [of being indie] is that I can write about topics that interest me instead of being tied to a certain readership.”

Advice from IR Approved Author Peter B. Dunfield: “Create a writing schedule for yourself, make that time and space sacred, and then dive in and create your stories.”

The book is about a girl named Avie, who time-travels by reading herself into the storyline of books.

Continue ReadingAdvice from IR Approved Author Peter B. Dunfield: “Create a writing schedule for yourself, make that time and space sacred, and then dive in and create your stories.”

IR Approved Author Joseph Howse: “The freedom to take risks is both the best and the hardest part of being independent.”

The book introduces a multilayered story of family, society, and nature, centring on a Soviet girl, Nadia, who, one day on a remote beach, looks up from her book to see that her friend is drowning.

Continue ReadingIR Approved Author Joseph Howse: “The freedom to take risks is both the best and the hardest part of being independent.”

Advice from IR Approved Author Opëshum Patroz: “Connecting early with reading circles that consume the genre you write in is a wonderful investment in making important connections…”

"Beyond the Father" delves into life’s determination to transcend all limitation. Set on the planet Xżyber, citizens of the Sub-Median Region, imperfectly reborn into metal, oppress those who are organic.

Continue ReadingAdvice from IR Approved Author Opëshum Patroz: “Connecting early with reading circles that consume the genre you write in is a wonderful investment in making important connections…”