Iolanthe Woulff: “I did nurse a puerile desire to vengefully skewer a ‘particular person’ and decided that the cleverest way to accomplish that would be to portray them as a rotten character in a book. So I did.”

Spoiled Jewish college kid Ben Steiner goes off the rails in this lively coming-of-age tale set in 1970s New York.

Continue ReadingIolanthe Woulff: “I did nurse a puerile desire to vengefully skewer a ‘particular person’ and decided that the cleverest way to accomplish that would be to portray them as a rotten character in a book. So I did.”

Terry Lynne Hale on “The Straightforward Internet- Your Simplified Guide to Exploring Everything from Basics to Social Media to the Deep Web”

With our ever-decreasing attention spans, it’s imperative we deliver our message quickly and concisely.

Continue ReadingTerry Lynne Hale on “The Straightforward Internet- Your Simplified Guide to Exploring Everything from Basics to Social Media to the Deep Web”

Author I. David Rosenstein on “Electrifying America: From Thomas Edison to Climate Change” 

The book uses a reader-friendly storytelling approach to describe the evolution of electric service in America starting with Edison’s discovery of the light bulb and continuing through today’s efforts to reduce carbon emissions from fossil-fueled generation plants.

Continue ReadingAuthor I. David Rosenstein on “Electrifying America: From Thomas Edison to Climate Change”