In the 21st century, the planet has transformed into a global village. Thanks to extraordinary advances in technology, it’s never been easier to live or work anywhere in the world. Unfortunately, few people take the time to consider the financial aspects of a global lifestyle and plan appropriately for handling money matters in foreign nations. Without a sound financial plan, the sweet dream of living abroad can turn into a nightmare.
Fortunately, living and working abroad doesn’t have to be complicated. That’s why Jennifer A. Patterson has written FINANCIAL PLANNING FOR GLOBAL LIVING. Drawing from her professional experience as a CFP and personal experiences of international living, Patterson has written an indispensable blueprint of practical, actionable steps people can take to create a plan that will allow them to live comfortably in any country, anywhere in the world. The advice in this book is primarily oriented towards families and couples who want to raise multinational children, but anyone seeking to carve out a global lifestyle can benefit from this book. Patterson’s style is as sharp as a No. 2 pencil; she writes in a formal and authoritative tone but manages to avoid coming across as stuffy and dry. Her advice is ingenious and thorough, helping readers prepare for unforeseen events like divorce, disability, and death; make decisions for their children’s education; cover everyday living expenses like groceries and housing; and enjoy soaking up the sights and sounds of a new country.
In addition to giving practical advice, Patterson challenges readers to think beyond money-related matters and really consider the quality of life they want to create. She encourages readers to radically overhaul their limiting beliefs about money and envision the life they truly want. In doing so, Patterson infuses her book with a bright spark of hope, helping readers to consider not just the potential pitfalls of living internationally, but the delightful possibilities as well.
FINANCIAL PLANNING FOR GLOBAL LIVING is full of solid advice for living and working all across the world while minimizing stress and anxiety. Readers wanting to work or live overseas will find it a highly useful handbook for making the most of life in today’s global village.
~Heather McNamara for IndieReader