IndieReader’s reviewers are tough, but fair
Our Reviewers won’t judge your book as compared to other self-published titles, but against other books, period. Our ratings are based on the following criteria, although reviewers are able to award partial stars (i.e. a 1.3 or a 4.7), rather than rounding up or down to a whole or half number.
Really bad
Work on it.
1-2 bright spots.
Worth reading.
Very Good
1-2 spots that need work
* IndieReader receives compensation for most of the books it reviews, along with copies of those books.
SLOW BURN ENTREPRENEUR: Succeed on Your Own Terms with the RELAX Method
By Michael WeberMichael Weber's SLOW BURN ENTREPRENEUR is well-designed and easy to follow. Weber provides a refreshing take on building a business while ensuring that the entrepreneur...
OPTIMAL WORK: A Project Manager’s Guide to Elevating Team Performance through Deep Work, Passion, and Purpose
By Paul X. HarderPaul X. Harder's OPTIMAL WORK: A Project Manager's Guide to Elevating Team Performance through Deep Work, Passion, and Purpose is an expertly crafted, text-book caliber...
Nicolas Pokorny’s THE MAMMOTH IN THE ROOM provides a strong, successful model for human-centered, dynamic leadership.
THE PASSIONATE WORKFORCE: How to Create and Maintain Maximum Employee Engagement
By Nicholas CapmanIn THE PASSIONATE WORKFORCE: How to Create and Maintain Maximum Employee Engagement, author Nicholas Capman's 15 pillars for creating a passionate workforce seem self-evident, and...
Bjarni Herrera's SUPERCHARGING SUSTAINABILITY is a valuable manual for anybody looking to navigate the often overwhelming area of ESG financial frameworks. With clear prose and...
Jake Falcon's RETIRING RIGHT: Smart Steps for Exiting Corporate America is a useful guide for corporate executives.
THE REVENUE ACCELERATION FRAMEWORK: A Proven Roadmap to Transform and Dynamically Grow Your Business
By Doug DavidoffEffectively combining anecdote and analysis, business consultant Doug Davidoff's THE REVENUE ACCELERATION FRAMEWORK: A Proven Roadmap to Transform and Dynamically Grow Your Business provides a...
MASTERING MARKET ENTRY: USA (The European’s Guide to Making It Big in America)
By Manny SchoenhuberThough by design a publication targeted to a niche audience, Manny Schoenhuber's MASTERING MARKET ENTRY: USA (The European's Guide to Making It Big in America)...
I THINK I LOVE MY JOB: Secrets To Designing A People-Centered Employee Value Proposition
By Kalifa OliverKalifa Oliver’s I THINK I LOVE MY JOB: Secrets To Designing A People-Centered Employee Value Proposition offers insights into many facets of worker experience.
WIN THE TALENT GAME: A Guide to Lateral Hiring for Law Firms and Lawyers
By Richard BrockRichard Brock's WIN THE TALENT GAME: A Guide to Lateral Hiring for Law Firms and Lawyers is a highly readable book that provides interesting insights...
Steve Johns's FEARLESS: Leadership Lessons at the Crossroads is an excellent exploration of leadership principles within the context of the unprecedented business challenges posed by...
Seena Hodges's FROM ALLY TO ACCOMPLICE: How to Lead as a Fierce Antiracist offers an invaluable opportunity for growth and serves as a meaningful contribution...