Advice from IR Approved Author Brieanna Wilkoff: “The more you put yourself out there, the more experience you’ll gain and the more connections you’ll make, both of which will open more doors in the future.”

Ultimately, it’s a story about healing, which occurs within the context of ’80s rock, theater, and random acts of kindness.

Continue ReadingAdvice from IR Approved Author Brieanna Wilkoff: “The more you put yourself out there, the more experience you’ll gain and the more connections you’ll make, both of which will open more doors in the future.”

Advice from IR Approved Author KC Sanford: “Consider working with a writing coach…a good one can help you find and elevate your voice.”

K. C. Sanford’s STORKED! tells the emotional true story of a child born as Baby Girl, whose existence was erased by the closed adoption system.

Continue ReadingAdvice from IR Approved Author KC Sanford: “Consider working with a writing coach…a good one can help you find and elevate your voice.”

Accidental Attachment

A successful writer accidentally sends her new (and super-dreamy) editor the wrong manuscript. Instead of the full-length paranormal novel she promised Longstrand Publishing, she sends the fan fiction she’s written about her crush…on him—including every detail of the hot, steamy “physical activity” she’s fantasized about happening between them.

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Advice from IR Approved Author Kim Herdman Shapiro: “Network, network, network!”

TV producer Kate Zoë Thomas, fleeing an abduction in Afghanistan and heartbreak in Boston, accepts the first job that gives her a fresh start: station manager at a tiny community channel on Wynter Island in the Canadian Gulf Islands.

Continue ReadingAdvice from IR Approved Author Kim Herdman Shapiro: “Network, network, network!”

Advice from IR Approved Author Jeffrey T. Leonards: “Pushkin once said, “Write for pleasure; publish for money.” I encourage the former.”

Doctor Braydon Mitchell is a middle-aged psychologist whose life is awash in challenges. While each working day is spent assisting patients with their problems, his own marriage is crumbling under the weight of unresolved loss and personal tragedy.

Continue ReadingAdvice from IR Approved Author Jeffrey T. Leonards: “Pushkin once said, “Write for pleasure; publish for money.” I encourage the former.”