Advice from IR Approved Author Catherine Treadgold: “Don’t limit your feedback to your friends, family or writing group. Find strangers who have no idea who you are or care what you think of them.”

Holed up in a cabin in the Hoh Rain Forest, county music idol Joe Bob Blade is under doctor’s orders not to utter a sound.

Continue ReadingAdvice from IR Approved Author Catherine Treadgold: “Don’t limit your feedback to your friends, family or writing group. Find strangers who have no idea who you are or care what you think of them.”

Advice from IR Approved Author Jeffrey M. Feingold: “Take the business side of writing seriously.”

A short story collection that depicts protagonists whose seemingly mundane lives change in surprising ways as they step into a realm of the fantastic ... poignant, frequently hilarious, and almost always surreal.

Continue ReadingAdvice from IR Approved Author Jeffrey M. Feingold: “Take the business side of writing seriously.”

IR Approved Author Amanda Quisenberry Tells All About Her Book

The book details the author's roller coaster journey from my buoyant, fun loving girlhood into womanhood where she is coping with the very tangible, but largely undiscussed, realities quadriplegia presents toward self-image, love, sexuality, and following one’s heart.

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Advice from IR Approved Author Stephen Delas Heras: “Embrace the freedom to write the book you want to write, since no one can tell you otherwise.”

Set in the 1950s, in an alternate world run by cats and dogs, The Nine Lives of Bianca Moon is the purr-fect blend of urban fantasy, detective story, and ghostly fun.

Continue ReadingAdvice from IR Approved Author Stephen Delas Heras: “Embrace the freedom to write the book you want to write, since no one can tell you otherwise.”