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EMPATHIC MASTERY (A 5-Step System to Go from Emotional Hot Mess to Thriving Success)
By Jennifer Elizabeth Moore

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Before readers decide whether or not to buy EMPATHIC MASTERY (A 5-Step System to Go from Emotional Hot Mess to Thriving Success) by Jennifer Elizabeth Moore, there are a few things they should know about the author. (1) Her first job was as a psychic; (2) in two of her past lives, she was a young lady who was executed in the French Revolution and a teenage boy who died in Pompeii when Mount Vesuvius erupted; and (3) she can predict disasters like Hurricane Katrina, but not far enough in advance to warn people. Those whose eyebrows remain unraised and their jaws undropped will probably like this book. Moore writes in a clear and lively manner to instruct ‘empaths’ on how to control their abilities. What is an empath? According to Moore, this is a person who’s “highly sensitive (mentally, emotionally, energetically, and even physically) to others and to their environment.” Empathy, in her definition, “operates on a spectrum” (sort of like autism) ranging from people who are sensitive to other people’s feelings to those who can perceive “paranormal/multidimensional entities and realities.”
Moore’s book is intended as a manual to help empaths control their abilities so they aren’t overwhelmed by emotions and seeing other dimensions. EMPATHIC MASTERY is divided into eight chapters over 380 pages, covering issues like how to know if you’re an empath, how to deal with pain and weight, techniques for handling your abilities and a code of conduct so will use your powers for good rather than evil. “I believe there is far too much at stake in the world right now for us not to do everything we can to manage these traits and transform them into powerful abilities,” Moore writes. She labels her approach Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFTs), with the main one being “tapping”: defined as a “form of mental/emotional acupressure that uses tapping or light pressure on specific acupuncture points to shift thoughts, feelings, and sensations.” Naturally, she also has dietary recommendations, mainly cutting out all sugar and most carbohydrates. However, while she asserts that “Weight loss is another powerful way to release old stuff,” she also argues that “each body has its own truth about what it wants to weigh” and that “weight serves as insulation for a conduit that is running a spiritually high voltage.” (Moore describes her own body as “sturdy.”) Such contradictions extend to her therapeutic advice. Given that her intended audience are people who experience significant emotional distress and even delusions, Moore’s advice may prevent such people from seeking effective therapy. This is potentially the book’s greatest danger.
Written in a concise and spirited manner for readers who believe in psychic powers and past lives, Jennifer Elizabeth Moore’s advice and perspective in EMPATHIC MASTERY (A 5-Step System to Go from Emotional Hot Mess to Thriving Success) could help explain and better direct their issues.
~Kevin Baldeosingh for IndieReader

Modern Medicine Lady LLC
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EMPATHIC MASTERY (A 5-Step System to Go from Emotional Hot Mess to Thriving Success)
By Jennifer Elizabeth Moore

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EMPATHIC MASTERY by Jennifer Elizabeth Moore is a practical self-help book for empaths dissatisfied with how their emotional sensitivity disrupts their everyday life. With a witty, light tone, the book contains realistic advice readers can implement from day one and habits they can build up over time. Furthermore, personal experiences from the author seamlessly positioned within the chapters ensure that the narrative is riveting and readers engage with the material. Readers looking to improve their emotional intelligence or understand themselves better will surely benefit from this book.

EMPATHIC MASTERY (A 5-Step System to Go from Emotional Hot Mess to Thriving Success)
Jennifer Elizabeth Moore
Modern Medicine Lady LLC
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