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Indiereader author Blog

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IRDA Winner Michelle Melendez on “End Dieting Hell”

"End Dieting Hell" teaches readers the #1 reason they struggle with weight year after year and what to do about it.

IRDA Winning Author Madison Lux: “Figuring out how to make your book stand out from the rest can be very difficult.”

Lila is a young woman struggling to navigate the world of work and dating after college. After securing an internship at her dream job, she finally feels like things are on the right path. That...

An Author’s Guide to Planning a Book Launch

As authors, finishing a book you’ve poured your blood, sweat and tears into and getting it ready for publication is an exciting time. It’s tempting to want to take a break and relish the feeling...

IRDA Winner Thom Ring on his Motivation: “Money’s always nice, but I just want to be read.”

Henry Brademeier can hit a baseball better than anyone who's ever played the game. Yet he can't tie his own shoes.

IRDA Winner AK Faulkner on the best part of being indie: “Being able to tell the stories that I want to, about the characters I love.”

Two damaged men have to learn to control their supernatural powers if they’re to stand a chance of saving San Diego from the desperate machinations of a dying god.

5 Tips to Pick the Genre You’re Meant to Write In

Finding the genre for your book is a step that doesn’t get spoken about much. Many people out there want to be an author but can’t commit to a genre.

IRDA Winning Author Carlos Andrés Gómez: “HIJITO is an uncompromising reckoning with race, gender, sexuality, parenthood, and violence.”

In Hijito—selected by Eduardo C. Corral as winner of the 2018 Broken River Prize—Carlos Andrés Gómez writes of brutality and beauty with the same urgency and with a truth that burns readily; it is a...

Advice from IRDA Winning Author Edwin Wong: “Go for it!”

"The Risk Theatre Model of Tragedy" presents a dynamic and exciting new theory of drama called “risk theatre.”

IRDA Winning Author Stefanie Naumann: “[My grandfather] immigrated to the U.S. because he fiercely believed in independence + the voice of the people being heard…”

Orphaned in Poland at the age of thirteen, Tadeusz "Tad" Haska survived World War II on the run, escaped jail by the Soviet Secret Police, and launched an elaborate plan to smuggle his wife in...