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Best Reviewed Books — May


IR Approved Author Gary F. Bengier: “I don’t believe that the Muse suddenly delivers any masterpiece into your head.”

Set in a richly envisioned future world, Unfettered Journey is the story of an AI scientist who seeks to create robot consciousness and discovers the resilience of the human spirit.

Advice from IR Approved Author Hannah D. State: “Seek out the services of experts when needed.”

Twelve-year-old Sam Sanderson is given tremendous responsibility when a mysterious visitor arrives one night, and she's thrust on an otherworldly adventure. Her mission is to find the elusive Hopewell Star in order to save both...

IR Approved Author Lesley L. Smith: “I’m motivated primarily by fun.”

Singer-, spy-, lover-extraordinaire Jack Jones is caught in the middle of an intragalactic war (which, sure, he may have started, but still: dangerous!). Fans of books in the style of Douglas Adams' The Ultimate Hitchhiker's...

IR Approved Author D Robert Hardy: “I write to relive. I write to express myself. I write because I must.”

"Raven’s Apprentice" brings to light everyday events that we assume are coincidence, but when we look deeper into these experiences, we can see there is order and an underlying connection to all living things.

Advice from IR Approved Author Albert Collu: “Stick with it and be honest in your work. Honesty radiates.”

Catapulting Change identifies a myriad of opportunities left on the table far too often as similar patterns and trends emerge exposing gaps in leadership that systematically disarm individual talent, passion, and drive from those who...

Help Others, Help Yourself: Everyone Wins!

Here’s to you, Self Published Authors! I know you put in long hours writing and creating your books and then, as soon as you cross that finish line, you enter a brand new race: the...

IndieReader Reviews Are Now an Alexa Skill!

Amazon Alexa’s newest skill is finding and reading your IndieReader Review on command! Voice search and Alexa skills are one of the most exciting places to be found these days and an area set to...

IR Approved Author Ramona Nehring-Silver: “The worst part of being a first-time indie is pushing past personal doubt and inhibitions.”

THE GHOST OF WALHACHIN is about a 12-year-old boy who spends a summer in the small town of Walhachin, British Columbia. and has a wonderful twist: its ghost is not scary.