IR Approved Author Ron Potter: “…because Walt Whitman self published, I said, what the hell.”

Turmoil gets buried in a life like a worm in an apple. And it gets buried in a boy when his father pushes him into developing an aggressive personality which negates his spiritual, artistic yearnings.

Continue ReadingIR Approved Author Ron Potter: “…because Walt Whitman self published, I said, what the hell.”

IR Approved Author R. M. Kozan: “I was inspired to begin this book out of sheer frustration.”

In a future where Mars is the center of power, and Terra is viewed as a problematic colony with delusions of grandeur, young Terran Ralf emerges from Space Corps Academy with much knowledge and skill, but little understanding of his place in it all.

Continue ReadingIR Approved Author R. M. Kozan: “I was inspired to begin this book out of sheer frustration.”

IR Approved Author G. W. Lücke: “Just because you’re an Indie author, don’t think your work isn’t as good as a traditionally published author.”

"When Darkness Descends" is about finding redemption. Overcoming mental health issues and facing life’s most confronting challenges. Staying true to your friends and yourself. Fighting for what you know is right.

Continue ReadingIR Approved Author G. W. Lücke: “Just because you’re an Indie author, don’t think your work isn’t as good as a traditionally published author.”

IR Approved Author Vincent Fudge II’s Motivation: “The appetite to inspire and teach others from my lessons learned.”

SMART Love an educational narrative that focuses on relational improvement by establishing healthy behaviors in a relationship emphasizing effective communication techniques, measuring progress, relational accountability, and alignment on relationship goals.

Continue ReadingIR Approved Author Vincent Fudge II’s Motivation: “The appetite to inspire and teach others from my lessons learned.”

Advice from IR Approved Author Tim Darcy Ellis: “You need to get the balance between ‘don’t give up on your day job’ and ‘don’t give up on your dream.'”

"The Secret Diaries Of Juan Luis Vives" chronicles the epoch-making adventures of the real-life great Spanish humanist, Juan Luis Vives.

Continue ReadingAdvice from IR Approved Author Tim Darcy Ellis: “You need to get the balance between ‘don’t give up on your day job’ and ‘don’t give up on your dream.'”

Advice from IR Approved Author R. Peter Keith: “Make a plan and follow it. Adjust things along the way, but execute your plan.” 

It’s “What if Carl Sagan had done “Star Trek”?  WINE DARK DEEP is a grounded sci-fi action adventure with real science at the heart of some of it’s big challenges.

Continue ReadingAdvice from IR Approved Author R. Peter Keith: “Make a plan and follow it. Adjust things along the way, but execute your plan.” 

Advice from IR Approved Author Elaine Alec: “Be fearless.”

Calling My Spirit Back is an exceptional piece of Canadian writing by an Indigenous author that addresses our particular period in Canadian history when the conversations about systemic racism and abuse of women and the historical and ongoing trauma of our First Nations are finally starting to resonate beyond their typical boundaries. 

Continue ReadingAdvice from IR Approved Author Elaine Alec: “Be fearless.”

Advice from IR Approved Author Dana McSwain: “Believe in yourself and believe in your story.”

Georgia Pritchard’s dream house has a dead child in the attic and a monster in the basement but she can’t tell her husband because she’s not sure it’s really him anymore.

Continue ReadingAdvice from IR Approved Author Dana McSwain: “Believe in yourself and believe in your story.”

Advice from IR Approved Author Jonathan Harries: “Write every day. Even if it’s only revising a paragraph and writing one new sentence.”

Finding out that your family has been in the assassination business for seventy generations may come as a surprise. Realizing that you’re expected to take over is enough to make anyone lose their lunch.

Continue ReadingAdvice from IR Approved Author Jonathan Harries: “Write every day. Even if it’s only revising a paragraph and writing one new sentence.”