Advice from IR Approved Author Tom Blanton: “Every word counts. Every word.”

In this book, the second in a series, intrepid fourteen year-old sleuths, Arthur and Marya, are once again drawn into a mystery that will challenge their intelligence, courage, and trust in each other as they race to find an ancient book stolen from a bank vault in the small city of Coronado Springs, Texas.

Continue ReadingAdvice from IR Approved Author Tom Blanton: “Every word counts. Every word.”

Advice from IR Approved Author Ryburn Dobbs: “don’t write and publish in isolation. Get whatever editing, proofreading, design help you can afford.”

"The Comfort of Distance" is about a forensic anthropologist who is asked by his estranged brother, a sheriff’s deputy in South Dakota, to help solve the mystery of body parts turning up in the Black Hills.

Continue ReadingAdvice from IR Approved Author Ryburn Dobbs: “don’t write and publish in isolation. Get whatever editing, proofreading, design help you can afford.”

IR Approved Author Gary F. Bengier: “I don’t believe that the Muse suddenly delivers any masterpiece into your head.”

Set in a richly envisioned future world, Unfettered Journey is the story of an AI scientist who seeks to create robot consciousness and discovers the resilience of the human spirit.

Continue ReadingIR Approved Author Gary F. Bengier: “I don’t believe that the Muse suddenly delivers any masterpiece into your head.”