Advice from IR Approved Author Benjamin Plumb: “Keep a journal. It brings a double benefit – daily practice in writing, and the generation of a ton of unique content that you can use in writing future stories and books.”

It is about my life as a case study in how not to be satisfied as an introvert. 

Continue ReadingAdvice from IR Approved Author Benjamin Plumb: “Keep a journal. It brings a double benefit – daily practice in writing, and the generation of a ton of unique content that you can use in writing future stories and books.”

IR Approved Author Stephen Akey Tells All About His Book

"Raccoon Love" is about intimacy in all its sublime and maddening ordinariness. I think most of us tend to be a bit embarrassed by the ordinariness of our lives. What I’ve tried to do in Raccoon Love and my other memoirs is redeem and reclaim that ordinariness. It’s where we live.

Continue ReadingIR Approved Author Stephen Akey Tells All About His Book

Advice from IR Approved Author John Webster: “Polish and refine your manuscript after you believe it’s done, then work with an editor with at least a couple rounds of substantive editing.”

My memoir recounts a surprising story: how I let myself slide into an unhealthy state, then finally turned that around. Getting in touch with physicality led to an epiphany about how to achieve wellness and balance in my life, decades after I gave up on figuring things out.

Continue ReadingAdvice from IR Approved Author John Webster: “Polish and refine your manuscript after you believe it’s done, then work with an editor with at least a couple rounds of substantive editing.”