IR Approved Author Cornelia Davis: “I like the idea of being an independent author.”

Have you ever wanted something intensely and you were willing to risk all to attain it? Have you ever been at a crossroads and needed to decide whether to stay in a dangerous situation or go to safety?

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Advice from IR Approved Author S. Kensington: “Plow through those brick walls and remember what inspired you in the first place.”

"Just Another Girl on the Road" is a love story with WWII as the backdrop. It is about a young woman on a journey, both physical and internal.

Continue ReadingAdvice from IR Approved Author S. Kensington: “Plow through those brick walls and remember what inspired you in the first place.”

IR Approved Author Manny Garcia: “A Glossary of Life…reconnects humanity to ancient truths by retelling them in easy to understand, modern-day language.”

A Glossary of Life is a short book that reconnects humanity to ancient truths by retelling them in easy to understand, modern-day language.

Continue ReadingIR Approved Author Manny Garcia: “A Glossary of Life…reconnects humanity to ancient truths by retelling them in easy to understand, modern-day language.”

IR Approved Author Kathie Giorgio: “The only books I wish to write are my own. I want to read everyone else’s.” “

On the morning of her 55th birthday, Audrey takes stock of her life and finds it lacking. While she’s done well, she’s missing something important – a mate.

Continue ReadingIR Approved Author Kathie Giorgio: “The only books I wish to write are my own. I want to read everyone else’s.” “

IR Approved Author Samuel Miles Morley: “It’s not about me. It’s about the story.”

The story takes place in 1927 LA. The search for a mysterious manuscript, the disappearance of a supposed dead body, and a cast of odd characters plunge our protagonist into an investigation unlike any other during his short career as a private investigator.

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Advice from IR Approved Author AK Faulkner: “You do you. Be yourself, write what you want, and make no apology for either.”

Two damaged men have to learn to control their supernatural powers if they’re to stand a chance of saving San Diego from the desperate machinations of a dying god.

Continue ReadingAdvice from IR Approved Author AK Faulkner: “You do you. Be yourself, write what you want, and make no apology for either.”

IR Approved Author Andrew Wolfendon: “The best part [of being an indie] is that you have the freedom to color outside the genre lines.”

A fatal mistake on a drunken night in college comes back to haunt a troubled artist, threatening his friendships, his sanity, and his life.

Continue ReadingIR Approved Author Andrew Wolfendon: “The best part [of being an indie] is that you have the freedom to color outside the genre lines.”

IR Approved Author David Wilson on His Motivation: “The money is just a bonus, the real thrill is seeing people reading…the book.” 

"Lone Star Odyssey" is about a man’s struggle to get back to his wife and kids after the US is attacked with a series of attacks aimed at not defeating the US but totally destroying it from within.

Continue ReadingIR Approved Author David Wilson on His Motivation: “The money is just a bonus, the real thrill is seeing people reading…the book.” 

J.Edward Gore on Being an (IR Approved) Author: “It’s been a long process of learning, failing and trying again.”

John Gore is eighteen years old in 1862 rural Kentucky. He has struggled his entire life with stuttering and the ridicule associated with it.

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IR Approved Author Lanham Napier: “…being a content creator is noble work, but trying to make a buck in writing is hard if it’s your main source of income.”

Billion-or Bust is an action-packed memoir detailing the real activities and decisions of today’s CEOs.

Continue ReadingIR Approved Author Lanham Napier: “…being a content creator is noble work, but trying to make a buck in writing is hard if it’s your main source of income.”

IR Approved Author Nejoud Al-Yagout: “This novel is my bow, my curtsy, my waltz, to freedom of speech.” 

"When the Haboob Sings" is a fictional story about a daring Middle Eastern female writer who is penalized after she publicly challenges the patriarchal and ideological status quo. 

Continue ReadingIR Approved Author Nejoud Al-Yagout: “This novel is my bow, my curtsy, my waltz, to freedom of speech.”