Author Tammie K. Kip knows what’s standing between you and your dreams—you! Kip shows readers how to overcome obstacles, via sound advice and practical exercises for self improvement, in her book YOUR EXTRAORDINARY SELF, which is packed anecdotal evidence from a variety of great minds including James Allen, Steve Farber, Norman Vincent Peale, John Maxwell, Heidi Grant Halvorson, Zig Ziglar, and Marianne Williamson.
Much of the advice in YOUR EXTRAORDINARY SELF has been offered before, but Kip has a winning way with words. According to Kip, the first step in achieving YOUR EXTRAORDINARY SELF is breaking the shackles of self doubt. Identify fears and find a route above, around, or through them. Self-talk, reflection, positive affirmations, and daily practice are keys to changing beliefs and—as a result—behaviors. YOUR EXTRAORDINARY SELF encourages readers to plant the seeds of desire and watch what grows.
Kip encourage readers to embrace the changes that stem from personal growth. “Change leads to a world of possibility. It stretches the mind and feeds the soul,” Kip writes. “Change offers us an opportunity to grow, to learn from our mistakes, to celebrate our successes, and to continually feed into our insatiable desire to improve upon ourselves and live an extraordinary life.” Kip acknowledges that personal growth can be painful—and scary—but encourages readers to dig through the pain. Once readers rid themselves of self-made prisons and inner saboteurs, the world gets bigger, yet more controllable. One of the key ingredients is being mindful and present in each and every moment. “When we are living a life of success, we are consistently showing up as our best selves—content, present, and aware—despite times of heartache or despair.”
Indeed practicing “mindfulness”—being present in the moment—is a big piece of the YOUR EXTRAORDINARY SELF puzzle. Kip encourages self-improvers to set goals that are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound). Smart goals have a roadmap and destination in mind. Clearly defining what you hope to accomplish is the first step toward getting there.
Self-improvement is a long — often difficult — journey, but YOUR EXTRAORDINARY SELF makes it easier with practical advice and real-world exercises that change behaviors for the better. Kip’s advice isn’t new, but it’s well told.
~Rob Errera for IndieReader