Beyond Tithes & Offerings received a 4+ star review, making it an IndieReader Approved title.
Following find an interview with authors Michael & Mitchell Webb.
What is the name of the book and when was it published?
Beyond Tithes & Offerings: A closer look at traditional giving and its impact on Christian responsibility. Paperback: March 1, 2017; Kindle eBook: May 29, 2017
What’s the book’s first line?
“This chapter depicts a fictional court case involving The Tithing Group vs. The Webb Brothers.”
The Tithing Group represents all Christians who adhere to the traditional doctrine of monetary tithing. The Webb Brothers (the authors) represent those who refuse to call their financial gifts to the local church monetary tithes, offerings or firstfruits. This book (presented as evidence) gives a voice to those who have been labeled as disobedient and sentenced to a curse, amongst other things, for simply not calling their financial contribution to the local church a tithe.
What’s the book about? Give us the “pitch”.
Hidden in the shadows of monetary tithing, many Christians have lost sight of their calling to love one another. Tithing Christians present various arguments to support today’s version of tithing which are many, very diverse, and sometimes contradictory. This book is a one stop shop, a library of biblical facts, for countering, undoing, and nullifying each and every one of the reasons provided by tithing Christians.
Everyone who reads this book will benefit from its in-depth study on giving, as it uncovers the hidden truths of tithing and reveals that the priority of Christian charity should be meeting the needs of others. Everyone will also learn that Christian giving is not regulated, but instead is generous, spontaneous, and led by the Holy Spirit.
What inspired you to write the book? A particular person? An event?
Our motivation is to give a voice to fellow Christians that do not believe in monetary tithing and find themselves on the receiving end of one-sided monologue sermons; accused and convicted of wrongdoing without the ability to voice their opinions or objections. We provide a sound biblical defense for those who are literally persecuted from the pulpit, where these offenses and accusations are not substantiated by the Bible.
Beyond Tithes & Offerings states our case, presenting a respectful defense in opposition to fellow tithe believing brothers and sisters in Christ in whom we love as members of our Christian family. This book will end the persecution from the tithing group against believers that rely on grace giving instead of mandatory, misinterpreted, old covenant rituals; the ultimate reason for writing this book.
What’s the main reason someone should really read this book?
Based on a thorough examination of various related topics covered throughout every chapter of this book, the reader will learn and apply biblical truths surrounding the responsibility of Christian giving. Believers need to change their mindset concerning the present stipulations put on giving practices in the local church since these tithing prerequisites alter and overshadow the true meaning and motivations for giving.
Readers will understand that although the church needs financial support, it should not be at the expense of the needy or of sound doctrine. Unfortunately, the problem of careless biblical interpretation has led to traditional giving based on isolated portions of the tithing ritual. In contrast, Christians in the Bible did not give “monetary” tithes. For emphasis, it will be clear from reading this book that supporting the local church is a good work and should continue, but it should be through grace giving, as led by the Holy Spirit, and with the correct priorities in place.
When did you first decide to become authors?
We decided to first become authors in 1996 after researching the topic of tithing for the previous 3 years. The 1st edition of the book was released in 1998 which we self-published.
Is this the first you’ve written?
This is the only book we have written; 1st edition published in 1998 and the 2nd edition published in 2017.
What do you do for work when you’re not writing?
Michael: Currently works as a systems engineer on Ethernet encryption devices. He is also raising five children with his wife.
Mitchell: Currently employed as a software developer and server administrator; setting up the GIS infrastructure for an IT department utilizing the ESRI software platform and raising two children.
How much time do you generally spend on your writing?
1st Edition: The initial research took over 3 years. Then another 1 and a half years was spent completing the research, putting together the material for the book and establishing our publishing company, On Time Publishing.
2nd Edition: It took about 20 months to recreate the manuscript of this book to establish the 2nd edition. Mitchell spent most of his time working on the book almost exclusively as well as re-establishing the publishing company and related activities. Michael spent most of his time editing the book as well as working on the website and other related internet activities.
We have plans to write another book or two. The time spent on these projects will depend on our family schedule outside of working our full time jobs.
What’s the best and the hardest part of being an indie?
Actually, in our opinion, there is nothing too difficult about being an indie since we are somewhat computer savvy. There is so much one can find on the internet to assist indie authors. And, being an indie is all we know.
Is there something in particular that motivates you?
There is nothing in particular that motivates us. Definitely not fame, fortune, or worldly endeavors. We just want to be Christ-like.
Our true mission, or motivation, is to simply correct erroneous teachings within the Christian community through accurate studying of the Word (2 Tim. 2:15), to eliminate traditional teachings that make the Word of God of no use (Mark 7:6-13), and to declare our freedom from bondage through the teachings of Jesus and the apostles (John 8:31-32; Gal. 5:1).
Which writer, living or dead, do you most admire?
Paul, the writer of many letters of the New Testament.