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IR Approved Author Dr. Anthony M. Criniti IV Explains how “understanding the sciences of survival + prosperity” can teach you to “be a better you.”

The Survival of the Richest received a 4+ star review, making it an IndieReader Approved title.

Following find an interview with author Dr. Anthony M. Criniti IV.

What is the name of the book and when was it published?

The Survival of the Richest: An Analysis of the Relationship between the Sciences of Biology, Economics, Finance, and Survivalism. It was published in 2016.

What’s the book’s first line?

From the Preface: “This book was written as an advanced follow-up on a specific aspect of my first book, The Necessity of Finance, which taught that learning the science of economics is necessary for economic entities (that is, nations and their divisions) to survive, and it taught that learning the science of finance is necessary for financial entities (that is, individuals, groups, and organizations) to survive.”

What’s the book about? Give us the “pitch”.

The Survival of the Richest book is essentially one long argument demonstrating the relationship between the sciences of biology, economics, finance, and survivalism.  The major goals of the book are the following:

  1. To provide the most comprehensive overview of the science of survival;
  2. To reinforce the point from The Necessity of Finance that the goals of economics and finance are interrelated with the survival goals of economic and financial entities;
  3. To clarify the proper order of prosperity, particularly that finance is the precursor to economics;
  4. To show that being wealthier increases your probability of continuously surviving and prospering by providing you the greatest options to obtaining survival essentials;
  5. To indicate that wealthier entities have the option to help other economic or financial entities (including nonhuman ones) survive and prosper, particularly through the concepts of the survival and the prosperity by a third party;
  6. To demonstrate the inevitable relationship between biology, economics, finance, and survivalism;
  7. To improve our understanding of nature and evolution;
  8. To demonstrate that both individuals and populations of species evolve;
  9. To summarize, reform, and add to existing evolutionary selection processes;
  10. To confirm that the management of money, and the technology that it can buy, is an advanced, necessary stage in the process of evolution—that is, the evolution of evolution;
  11. To illustrate the severity of and the potential solutions for the current human predicament;
  12. To demonstrate that the survival of the richest is a more accurate concept than the survival of the fittest; and
  13. To prove that all humanity should have the united goal of maximizing our wealth for our survival on this planet and beyond.

What inspired you to write the book? A particular person? An event?

Well, I started writing this book because I wanted to deeply explore the connection to a topic that kept resurfacing in my life’s practical experiences in finance and in my academic work: survival.  The themes of “struggling” and “survival” were inescapable from my teachings in finance.  I needed to know why.  That’s when the real journey began…

What’s the main reason someone should really read this book?

The main reason everyone, and not someone, should read this book is because it could help them to survive and prosper better. By understanding the sciences of survival and prosperity better, you can learn to be a better you. To quote The Survival of the Richest book: “As you can see, prosperity is also about life and death, and we should not forget that it is an extension of survival. In the long-term, its sciences can also prove to be just as, or more, valuable than survivalism” Criniti, 2016, p. 153).  It is everyone’s duty to learn about subjects that will help them to stay alive and live a better quality life.

Is this the first book you’ve written?

No, I published The Necessity of Finance in 2013 and The Most Important Lessons in Economics and Finance in 2014.


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