IndieReader’s reviewers are tough, but fair
Our Reviewers won’t judge your book as compared to other self-published titles, but against other books, period. Our ratings are based on the following criteria, although reviewers are able to award partial stars (i.e. a 1.3 or a 4.7), rather than rounding up or down to a whole or half number.
Really bad
Work on it.
1-2 bright spots.
Worth reading.
Very Good
1-2 spots that need work
* IndieReader receives compensation for most of the books it reviews, along with copies of those books.
At its heart, Karen Martin’s DELPHI is an invigorating story about motherhood, nurturing, and protection.
LEADING TO THRIVE: Mastering Strategies for Sustainable Success in Business and Life
By Klaus KleinfeldKlaus Kleinfeld's LEADING TO THRIVE: Mastering Strategies for Sustainable Success in Business and Life is really two separate books—one mediocre, one excellent. The first part...
Strong descriptive imagery of the fashion world and the rich history of Paris make for a readable murder-mystery in Lorraine Evanoff’s WALKING THE CAT.
David Horn's BECOMING TRIXIE: IT’S A DOG’S LIFE is a fanciful lark of an outer space adventure that appeals most to young teen girls who...
Jeff Shaw's ECHO SIX is an enjoyable, fast-moving time-travel tale that works as no-frills, old-fashioned sci-fi.
Evette Davis's THE GIFT: Book 2 in The Council Trilogy is a fun and pacy fantasy that enchants readers with its accessible prose, passionate romantic...
Although afflicted with both a surfeit and a lack of detail in different ways, Kristina Ahlnäs’s KRISTINA'S CACHE: A Memoir of Adventure and Survival in...
Katherine Villyard's IMMORTAL GIFTS is literary catnip for vampire fans hungry for a fresh, deeply humanist spin on a beloved paranormal trope.
By using the mechanism of a story within a story, Curt Finch’s MONTJOY is able to investigate ideas of the reliability of memory and the...
A refreshing contrast to evangelical and fundamentalist extremes, Mary R. Hemmer’s BUTTERMILK AND DRAGONFLIES: Reflections from Ordinary Time contains progressive, empathetic, and warm-hearted interpretations of...
Joan Donaldson's AE FOND KISS is a sweet and wholesome romance immersed in a well-developed historical context.
Humorous and thrilling in turn, THE BLUEGRASS DEVILS OF DETROIT by Chuck Snearly is a high-stakes mystery thriller with a likable everyman protagonist and local...