IR In-Store/Edelweiss Digital Review Copy – 6-Month Subscription
Currently available as an add on to book reviews and IR In-Store, we are now offering the popular IR In-Store/Edelweiss DRC (Digital Review Copy) as an a la carte item for $229 for a 6 month subscription.
Similar in function to NetGalley (at a much lower price), the IR In-Store/Edelweiss DRC is the most cost-effective way to promote your book and get your Digital Review Copy* into the hands of book reviewers, book bloggers, librarians, media, booksellers and more!
And it’s great way to potentially** generate Editorial Reviews which you can use on your website and/or Amazon sales pages!
Your subscription will terminate after 6 months. Should you choose to renew it you’ll have to re-sign at the IR website.
* Your book must be available in either an epub or PDF file with a valid (ie non Amazon generated) ISBN in order to participate in this service.
**Although reports are sent monthly to verify that most books are downloaded many times by publishing professionals over the course of the subscription, subsequent reviews are not guaranteed.
Katy Regnery
“Having UNLOVED on IRIS/Edelweiss DRC was a launch strategy for reviews and buzz. It’s now sold over 20K copies, has over 300 reviews on Amazon.“