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Our beloved Discovery Awards entry is just $69 when you combo with a Pro Review! Sale ends Nov. 28. Learn More ›
Get Discovered
According to the latest Bowker stats, there were 2.6 million books self-published in 2023. That’s a lot of company (and competition!) for any author. An IR Pro book review will help set your title apart from the rest, increasing your book’s chance for discoverability.
Improve Your Writing
Some authors use their book reviews as a way to improve their writing skills. While IR’s reviews are written in service to readers, IR’s reviewers—some of the best in the field—will let you know if you’ve achieved what you set out to do.
There are many Pro book review services to choose from, but at almost half the price as our competitors—with many of the same reviewers—IR clearly offers the best value.
Get Your Book Noticed
If your title is IR Approved (4 to 5 stars) you will be invited to talk more about it in our All About the Book interview that will be posted to IR's site.
The best value in indie book reviews! Basic review just $299
Ready to give your book the professional edge?
IndieReader now allows authors who are still working on their book to take advantage of savings and pre-purchase a review while they finish their book. If you are at least 5 weeks away from publication, choose the “Purchasing in Advance” option when signing up for your review.

“IR’s reviews have far outpaced your competitors, from higher profile to lower, both in terms of acuity of reading and quality of writing. Thank you!”
Shelby Raebeck
Author of Louse Point: Stories From the East End

Darcy Chan
Bestselling author of The Mill River Recluse
“The review gave my book visibility in a crowded marketplace and a vital introduction to readers, both of which helped it become a bestseller.”

PM White
Author of Buzz Ride
“Thank you for the wonderful review. I have had experience with other review organizations and it was evident they only skimmed parts of my book. As I read your review it was obvious to me that you and your staff read the entire book. Again, thank you.”

Jonathan Maas
3 IndieReader-Approved Books + 2015 IRDA award winner for Best Science Fiction
“What I really love is aiming for IndieReader’s ‘IndieReader-approved’ status after a review. It’s a great benchmark, and something an independent author can really hang their hat on.”

Jay Isip
Author of Happy Chasing Happy
“Indie Reader gave me a thorough experience with great communication , a solid review, and great interactive post where visitors can find my book/author information very easily. They support Indie authors (such as myself). Thanks for everything!”

Jennifer Fales
Author of the Robusta Incident
“My IndieReader Review gave me great press from a credible source! I was able to use some wonderful quotes from the review.”

Michael Jarvis
Author of Field of Vision
“As an indie author it’s not easy to get reviews from traditional mainstream sources so it’s a solid promotional benefit to get a good review from a respected independent source. For both of my books, it’s been a great personal boost for me to receive positive reactions from IndieReader.”
All authors whose books receive a 4+ star review will be invited to participate in IR’s “All About the Book” interview feature, which will appear on the IndieReader site.
Your IndieReader book review will be distributed and/or available for distribution to the following outlets:

Authors are encouraged to include their credited IndieReader review in whole or in part in the Editorial section of their Amazon sales page.

Authors are encouraged to include their credited IndieReader review in whole or in part in the Editorial section of their B&N sales page.

Your review will be posted to IndieReader, the essential consumer guide to self-published books and the people who read them.

IndieReader’s reviews appear on the “buy” pages of this major distributor accessed by thousands of librarians, publishers and booksellers.
The Cost
350 words minimum
7-9 Week Turnaround
350 words minimum
4-6 Week Turnaround