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(Twice!) IR Approved Author Hal Emerson: “The best part of being an indie is the complete creative control. The hardest part is getting the word out to readers about the books!”

"Cicero James, Miracle Worker" is the story of a registered Miracle Worker living in San Francisco and his death during a routine Working job. Upon waking in the autopsy room of a morgue, Cicero James...

Advice from IR Approved Author Chuck Snearly: “Nothing else is as essential or important as perseverance.”

When a gravely injured stranger barges into his college classroom asking for help solving a ninety-year-old mystery, Professor Andrew Pickens doesn’t want to get involved. But as a former investigative reporter with detailed scholarly knowledge...

Advice from IR Approved Author Samantha Vaive: ““It doesn’t matter what you write. It doesn’t matter if it’s good. Just get the words on the page.”

Mind-Body, Birth is a research-based, easy-to-understand, and inclusive guide designed to help you achieve your best birth.

Advice from IR Approved Author Gregory Grosvenor: Trust your taste. Fortunately, my taste happens to be very bad, and it’s what I aspire to, darling!”

A slow-witted burglar hoping to rebuild his confidence travels to Vermont during the holiday season. It’s a romp of a novel about taking and giving. And giving some more.  

IR Approved Author Jon F. Harmon Tells All About His Book

It’s the story of a rather ordinary young man’s struggles in the wake of loss and trauma, with his corporate career in shambles, raising a toddler alone.

Advice from IR Approved Author Robin D’Amato: “Watch out for scammers. Be very careful if you choose an independent publisher; make sure they are legitimate.”

Ginny Eastman discovered the game of basketball in 1965 at the young age of six and was instantly captivated. A year later, she was diagnosed with “juvenile” diabetes, which threatened her athletic dreams.

Advice from IR Approved Author Susan E. Sage: “Not to over-spend on promotions. Sure wish I could take this advice myself!”

Captain Cassie and her five passengers set off on a houseboat river trip. Not exactly a luxury vacation as society in 2033 is unraveling at an alarming rate. The nation is nearing collapse and the...

Advice from IR Approved Author N. J. Lujan: “Keep writing and don’t be shy to talk to anyone about your book.”

When Small Dog, a senior Yorkie, is dumped on the side of the road by her breeder, when no longer able to produce as a "dispenser," she's discovered by a kind human and soon learns...

IR Approved Author Michael Shandler on the Hardest Part of Being Indie: “…being alone in the daunting and confusing arena of highly competitive marketing.”

Reared in apartheid South Africa, the child of a Holocaust survivor and an Allied soldier pursues spiritual understanding and personal fulfillment across an astounding arc of 20th-century history, after a challenging childhood.