Chameleon lives in the beautiful jungle. She has many wonderful, colorful friends, including Elephant, Lemur, and Crocodile. But Chameleon is most colorful of all. She loves her many bright colors and uses them to communicate with everyone. One day, all the animals in the jungle get together to plan a party. They talk about what to eat for dinner and dessert and what kind of music to have. But Chameleon can’t find a way to make herself heard over the crowd. No notices when she tries to use her colors to express how she feels.
As Chameleon sadly heads home, she’s stopped by Elephant, who wants to borrow one of Chameleon’s lovely colors. Chameleon doesn’t think this is such a good idea, but Elephant doesn’t notice and takes Chameleon’s blue. Next Lemur drops by and demands a color too. Chameleon is getting more and more frustrated but doesn’t know how to say no, and Lemur takes her red. When Crocodile comes by and takes her yellow, Chameleon is left a very sad, very gray little lizard.
Without her colors, Chameleon just isn’t the same. The next day her friends notice that something is wrong but Chameleon can’t figure out what to say. She looks for advice from another friend. Perhaps Flamingo will know what she should do and how she can get her colors back. Turns out, Chameleon must learn to stand up for herself and tell the others how she feels. Flamingo convinces Chameleon of the importance of using her words to express her feelings and Chameleon is finally able to talk to her friends. Maybe she’ll be able to get her colors back and tell them her ideas in time for the party.
THE COLORLESS CHAMELEON, written by Rachel Bostick and Hayley Irvin, is cleverly written in a way so that children will understand Chameleon and relate to her problem (even some adults may relate). It’s important for kids to learn how to use their words to make themselves understood and this book teaches that lesson in a simple and fun way. Samantha Jo Phan’s lovely illustrations are well done and practically tell the story on their own.
THE COLORLESS CHAMELEON, written by Rachel Bostick and Hayley Irvin, and illustrated by Samantha Jo Phan, is an adorable children’s book with an important message.
~Heather Stockard for IndieReader