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By Tom Pearson

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There are two ways to look at Tom Pearson’s latest release, STILL, THE SKY. On the one hand, it’s a stunning collection of thought-provoking prose from a promising poet. On the other, it’s “a speculative mythology” which, according to Pearson, “combines the tales of Icarus and the Minotaur and creates for them a shared coming-of-age through a correspondence of written fragments, artifacts, ecofacts, and ephemera.” Regardless of which approach you choose, STILL, THE SKY ultimately rewards any level of investment. With a background in dance, theater, and film, Pearson has spent years developing his artistic voice, a fact which shines through this collection.
Most readers will remember the story of Icarus, the mythological figure whose wax wings melted when he flew too close to the sun. Less familiar, however, is the story of the Minotaur. Fortunately, a Greek Mythology deep-dive is hardly required here. Instead of a direct, line-for-line interpretation, Pearson wisely utilizes the ancient tales as a foundation for something a bit more universal. For instance, the opening section (“A Foreign Stillness”) loosely translates Icarus’ brash, youthful energy into a cautionary tale of innocence lost. From there, the universal applicability grows more pronounced with each passing page. The opening stanzas of ‘Lazaretto’ offer a timely rumination on isolation (“Quarantined inside this dream, insulated From the terrors outside but longing for a sense of Solitude…”) while ‘Revisions’ features some of Pearson’s most affecting passages (“Through a miscommunication, you and I, Your hands around my neck, squeezing my open throat. You did remember, and they came in time to catch me as I fell.”) Yes, Pearson is essentially translating a pair of well-established tales, but the emotions he manages to conjure transcend. And by adhering to a “Sapphic styling” format throughout, Pearson’s prose quickly adopts a pronounced cadence, adding to the overall timelessness.
While his skill as a poet is undeniable, Pearson’s mixed-media artwork truly transforms STILL, THE SKY into an immersive experience. From the antique card catalog that serves as a thematic center to the shadowbox stills that appear throughout, Pearson’s visuals serve as the foundation of this collection. Additionally, Pearson’s closing notes on the text and artwork provide invaluable insight into his overall thought process. Of particular interest is his explanation regarding the connection (or lack thereof) between Icarus and the Minotaur: “Nowhere do any of the tales explicitly connect Icarus and Asterion (the Minotaur), but through Daedalus, they are always once removed.” Further reading reveals a myriad of literary acknowledgments. With nods to everyone from Herman Melville to Maya Angelou, Pearson has clearly done his homework, approaching his poetry with an informed sense of passion and reverence.
Cleverly combining a coming-of-age motif with tales from Greek Mythology, Tom Pearson’s STILL, THE SKY is as much a deliberate statement as it is a placeholder for further examination.
~James Weiskittel for IndieReader

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In STILL, THE SKY, poet and artist Tom Pearson integrates the stories of Icarus and the Minotaur to create a fresh tale through speculative mythology. Told through poetry and mixed media art pieces, the rhythms of the verse support the sharp imagery and sensory detail with a story that is deeply rooted in mythology and draws on additional sources and inspiration including Herman Melville, Maya Angelou and Robert Louis Stevenson.

Tom Pearson
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