REGAINING PARADISE: Forming a New Worldview, Knowing God, and Journeying into Eternity by Paul Corson is a weighty tome that endeavors to encourage its audience to experience all the title suggests. Are the concepts of God and Heaven real? Does an Infinite Creative Force exist, and if so can it apply to all people, all religions, all times?
Utilizing various approaches–from relating mystical visions to dissecting scientific ideas–the author aims to answer a plethora of such questions. The work is strongest when exploring the point that no good nor bad deeds go unobserved, whether or not the doer believes any kind of God is watching. As bearers of the miracle of consciousness, all individuals and groups–from the lowest to highest of stature–must accept responsibility for being a miracle. For while Life may be eternal and go on infinitely beyond the transition point people perceive as ‘death,’ no particular human life necessarily continues on here, on this planet, in this solar system, in any form a specific being happens to be experiencing right now. And that is what makes every unique experience of Life indescribably special, meant to be treated as the treasure it is. With free will, the immortal miracles currently embodying people can, according to the author, choose from infinite paths, good and otherwise. They can choose to share energy, resources, and good will in harmony with their Higher Nature. Or, conversely, they can choose to harmfully, greedily worship and hoard aspects of the material plane, such as money and what all that made-up construct can buy. With 2.5 million children homeless in America (as of a 2018 study quoted), and 1.2 billion people the world over living in extreme poverty, it’s clear that Corson’s opinion of humanity as a relatively young, spiritually-immature species may be correct.
The book is a bit wordy, missing a navigable hyperlinked Table of Contents, and weakest when relying on scientific ‘facts’ put forth, for example, by Microsoft founder Bill Gates, without addressing the harm Gates-sponsored programs have achieved experimenting on poverty-stricken African and Indian populations devoid of informed consent. But overall, the premise that it’s never too late for people to discover they really are their brother’s keeper towards becoming better stewards of Earth’s garden of Eden is sound advice.
Declaring human beings are born with an innate sense of justice and inherent ideals, author Paul Corson takes a philosophical, metaphysical, quasi-scientific look at how civilization might go about evolving towards learning to fashion a better world in the layered REGAINING PARADISE: Forming a New Worldview, Knowing God, and Journeying into Eternity.
~C.S. Holmes for IndieReader