Peter Skinner Books
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By Peter Skinner

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In an era where immediacy is often prized above all else, Peter Skinner’s FULL BEAVER MOON is a welcome reminder that the best stories often take some time to unravel. Set in the Jim Crow South during the 1950s, FULL BEAVER MOON centers on eighteen-year-old Willie Graves. Following his mother’s death, Graves inherits a car, a dilapidated brothel, and a large sum of money. Considering his options, Graves decides to put his inheritance to use and set up his own business. Meanwhile, he leaves Virginia and sets out in search of his dear friend, Stick Watson, a trek that eventually leads him into the Deep South. Along the way, Graves encounters a colorful cast of characters who greet him with a mix of kindness, generosity, and shrouded intentions.
There are numerous themes running through FULL BEAVER MOON, but chief among them is the idea of determination in the face of adversity. As a bi-racial man, Graves is subjected to a number of hardships but refuses to give up on his dreams. For instance, Graves defiantly establishes a successful business despite constant harassment from local law enforcement. As his search for Stick takes him further south, Graves also deals with prejudice and segregation at every turn. Even his plans of attending a local university seem far-fetched to those around him. Fortunately, Graves doesn’t know what he doesn’t know and has no intention of walking away from his dreams.
Skinner takes every opportunity to demonstrate his familiarity with the iceberg theory. For instance, passages like “The horse was locked up. He peered through the windows. There was mail on the hallway floor” demonstrate Skinner’s Hemingway-esque minimalism. The Virginia-based author also delivers effective narration in short, focused bursts, preferring to let the setting and plot simmer in the dialogue and imaginations of readers:
She saw his eye. “Had some trouble in Meridian.”
He’d almost forgotten. “Yes.”
“Lucky this time.”
He didn’t answer.
Speaking of dialogue, Skinner’s use of profanity and period-specific language may present an initial challenge for some readers; but it’s judiciously employed, incredibly effective, and at no point feels gratuitous. The novel admittedly takes its time to unfold and often shifts gears (without warning), but Skinner’s mastery of atmosphere makes for some satisfying detours. FULL BEAVER MOON may not be the best choice for casual, intermittent reading, but readers probably won’t want to put it down anyway.
Peter Skinner’s FULL BEAVER MOON is a captivating, challenging, and ultimately rewarding slice of historical fiction dripping with lyrical prose and Southern-tinged atmosphere.
~James Weiskittel for IndieReader

Peter Skinner Books
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It’s the early 20th century, in the deep South when teenager Willie Grace is left an abandoned house by his mother and decides to re-establish her business as a house of prostitution, while raising to help him matriculate at the University of Virginia. His loyalty to friends and to employees is unparalleled as all experience prejudice, hard knocks, and set-backs. Author Peter Skinner’s staccato dialogue is seductive; the characters, more than appealing. And the plot moves quickly enough for readers to want to know what happens next.

Peter Skinner
Peter Skinner Books
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