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DOG-EARED: A Year’s Romp Through the Self-Publishing World
By W. Nikola-Lisa

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In DOG-EARED, W. Nikola-Lisa, chronicles his efforts to spend a year cleaning and organizing his office – and in the process, comes across a whole host of stories, events, interesting facts, and recollections to share with readers. From the beginning of the year, and his efforts to take inventory of the copies of his own published books, to sorting through the few remaining incidentals at the end of the year, he explores not only the simple task of cleaning and organization, but discusses every aspect of a self-published author’s career, from sitting down to write to publicizing and selling his works. Additionally, he talks about his experiences, things he’s read and observed, and anything else that happens to occur to him, in a series of thoughtful and wide-ranging essays.
For readers who enjoy the chance to listen to a good storyteller at his work, this book is a pure gift. Don’t get me wrong, there’s plenty of useful information in this book for the self-publishing author, including everything from new technology to help build an author’s global presence, to which authors’ professional organizations one should join and what events an author should attend. But while intriguing, especially when he discusses how change is affecting the publishing world, there is a lot more to this book as well.
Nikola-Lisa is an intelligent, wide-ranging, curious and creative man, and like most such authors, he can find a story to tell in the smallest and most seemingly mundane of things, from sitting in a coffee shop waiting for his car to be repaired to teenage surfing adventures, from how he chose his pen name to how to choose a good place to set up a stall at a book fair. He writes vividly and clearly, setting scenes with brisk vigor and charm, giving the reader a clear and lively picture of what’s going on in his mind and his world. These short little essays are full of sparks that might inspire a reader to deeper investigation in one of any number of interesting directions, and the thoughtfulness of his writing encourages careful consideration and exploration. Sources and a biography at the end of the book will help to point the way.
DOG-EARED is a gift for the reader who enjoys the chance to go treasure-hunting for stories along with a bright, versatile, and articulate companion. It’s an entertaining romp, and shouldn’t be missed.
~Catherine Langrehr for IndieReader

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DOG-EARED: A Year’s Romp Through the Self-Publishing World
By W. Nikola-Lisa

- Posted by IR Staff
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DOG EARED: A Year’s Romp Through the Self-Publishing World, by W. Nikola-Lisa is an engaging, lively, and witty description of a year in the life of a self-published (and traditionally-published) author. Nikola-Lisa has the gift of making small and everyday occurrences interesting and relevant – his wanderings, whether physical or intellectual, are always entertaining, and the reader will not regret accompanying him.

DOG-EARED: A Year’s Romp Through the Self-Publishing World
W. Nikola-Lisa
Rated 5 / 5 based on 1 review.