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ARCHANGEL: The Book of Mammon
By Black Mike

- Posted by Jessica T
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Special agent leader of an anti-terrorism unit, Michael Lieberman’s latest case tracking an international terror organization brings him face-to-face with something he never thought possible: demons. When his case intersects with police detective Sara Wilson’s investigation into the murder of a prominent billionaire, he uncovers a secret angelic heritage he never knew, and familial ties that put his career at risk. Now, Michael must determine where exactly his loyalties lie, as a supernatural threat looms. Mammon, the demonic embodiment of greed and avarice, is trying to sway the tide of the Western world in his favor so he can rule the mortal realm, and Michael might be the only one who can stop him, if he can accept his role in an ongoing supernatural war.
Black Mike’s ARCHANGEL makes for an interesting mashup of genres within the broader urban fantasy scope, part police procedural, part political/crime thriller, with paranormal conspiracies invading Western society at its most profitable weak points. A thoughtful commentary on greed, capitalism, politics, wealth inequality, and corruption, the narrative uses the lens of demons and angels at war to understand how greed flourishes in different ways, and not all of it boils easily down to good versus evil. Half-angel, with the power to manifest his will into a flaming sword—and cool a pair of wings—Michael shoulders the burden of being Mammon’s archenemy. Sometimes a blessing, sometimes a curse, the Sight that allows him a window into how the slimy, nefarious creatures have festered on Earth helps in tackling this all-powerful, realm-shattering entity. Vivid descriptions of demons dripping molten gold and fire, horrific monsters writhing and feeding off their hosts, and all-out battles between celestial beings round out the captivating world-building. As Michael and Sara are dragged deeper into this strange world, there’s glimpses of just how huge it is, from the mention of werewolves and vampires, and their clever dust-up with an eerie, meddlesome goblin market.
Though they start off as enemies, Sara and Michael build a strong relationship together, navigating this new territory, with a hint of romance on the horizon. The novel is full of wry banter, great one-liners, interesting secondary characters—Michael’s sister Hannah is a violent, sarcastic delight—and stakes that keep twisting and climbing until the explosive third act. Michael’s arc in particular is as strong as his will, a satisfying exploration of an ordinary man who accepts an extraordinary fate, but also accepts his human flaws and his own mortal worth. Sarah is tough yet realistically vulnerable, a tenacious detective in her own right, and hers and Michael’s partnership is a perfect foundation on which to build this urban fantasy thriller series. The plot does get a little bogged down in some spots because there are a lot of moving pieces at work, but for the most part, it’s a fast-paced thrill ride through a refreshingly unique take on what lies “beyond the veil” and the supernatural horrors that escape into the world.
An interesting mashup of police procedural, political/crime thriller, and the supernatural, Black Mike’s ARCHANGEL is a gritty and nuanced urban fantasy with a thoughtful real-world commentary on greed.
~Jessica Thomas for IndieReader

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- Posted by Jessica T
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Black Mike brings ARCHANGEL: The Book of Mammon to life with some seriously blazing fast action and wit. Michael, the aptly named protagonist, takes on a diabolical enemy most won’t have seen since Paradise Lost, without losing his humanity or his personality – the book does a terrific job at balancing the action with quiet and emotional scenes. As the first in a new series, this book holds its own against the greats of the urban fantasy genre.

ARCHANGEL: The Book of Mammon
Black Mike
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