Those who have not read David Gittlin’s first entry in his AndroBiotica series may be a little on the back foot to start, but its sequel’s narrative quickly fills in any gaps. ANDROBIOTICA 2: Journey In Time is set in an alternate universe, one of many, and special investigator Derrick Faulk narrates. In this alternate world, technology has resulted in Androids so human that it’s possible that they themselves do not realize they are machines. However, things are primed to become even more advanced in less than a decade—and this is where Derrick’s next strange journey begins.
Together with new associate Kristina Flemming, Derrick is sent eight years into his own future to keep an eye on the developments at LifeLike, a rival Android manufacturer. But there are several things Derrick isn’t told about this journey. For one, Aurora—Derrick’s ex-lover and an AndroBiotica Android—is also on this mission. For another, someone very powerful is watching them. And if their mission fails, this entire dimension could be wiped for the sake of the multiverse. Further mysteries await, not the least of which is the reason behind a series of Android-led killings. As Derrick, Aurora, and Kristina pursue their competitor, lives are put on the line and the truth begins to emerge.
ANDROBIOTICA 2 is a timely book, exploring an alternate version of the AI boom and what happens when novel technology goes unchecked. Overall, it’s a well-crafted story with surprising twists and turns (the two mentioned above are early-story reveals, with much bigger ones to follow). The dialogue is mostly entertaining, but occasionally becomes oddly expositional. For example, Kristina introducing herself to Derrick with a paragraph-long CV feels a little unnatural. However, only introductions and infodumps come across this way.
While it’s not a real problem, it is a bit disappointing to see the greater meaning of Derrick’s journey sequestered to one passage early in the book. The mysterious character of Dianah opens up all sorts of possibilities, sidetracking the protagonists to demonstrate that they’re being watched and their mission is bigger than they realize. But after looking into the face of God, it’s just never mentioned again. It’s a shame to see this slip by the wayside, as the idea of these characters being under a microscope the whole time added an extra layer of fascination to the whole story.
Overall, ANDROBIOTICA 2 is a fun read with an interesting take on the mechanics of time travel—something very difficult to accomplish these days. While it would have been even better to see the upshot of the sidebar in Dianah’s pocket universe, the story is still enjoyable and presents a satisfactory, surprising ending.
David Gittlin’s ANDROBIOTICA 2: Journey In Time offers an intriguing and timely tale of artificial intelligence and corporate intrigue.
~Kara Dennison for IndieReader