New Degree Press

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By Alexander Skikos

IR Rating:
With ALL ROADS LEAD TO NOWHERE, Alexander Skikos examines classism from all angles, and, in the process, offers a tight, post-apocalyptic tale that delivers an epic concept in a brisk, page-turner package.
IR Approved
A smart, briskly-paced thriller that places a unique spin on the tried-and-true dystopian format.

Regardless of the subgenre, the best science-fiction novels tend to strike a balance between the actual and the hypothetical. In the case of post-apocalyptic stories, the drama often plays out in a dystopian society, typically in the aftermath of some world-ending event. And given the number of successful titles in recent years, any author looking to make a mark in the ever-crowded post-apocalyptic waters has their work cut out for them. All of which makes Alexander Skikos’ debut, ALL ROADS LEAD TO NOWHERE, that much more impressive.

Utilizing an eerily feasible premise, Skikos sets his novel in a not-so-distant future where a global nuclear war has reduced the U.S. to a desolate wasteland. Those lucky enough to retain their wealth and influence reside in domed havens known as Paradise cities. Everyone else is left to fend for themselves in the vast expanses simply known as Nowhere. This is where readers are introduced to a large ensemble cast (Jimmy, Levi, Ali, Janet, Arianna, Javier, Mark). As the narrative unfolds, storylines begin to overlap, and we soon learn that the only thing these seven strangers have in common is an undying will to survive. Unfortunately, that places nearly all of them at odds with one another and on the run from a barrage of seemingly omnipresent threats. With hunting robots and vigilante gangs prowling the Nowhere and a politically-corrupt, morally-bankrupt leadership at the helm of the Paradise cities, the line between sanctuary and prison has never been more blurred.

Taken at face value, ALL ROADS LEAD TO NOWHERE is a smart, briskly-paced thriller that places a unique spin on the tried-and-true dystopian format. A closer look, however, reveals a potent subtext. The commentary is subtle, often delivered through sardonic quips via his characters, but the subtext is there from cover to cover. It’s as though Skikos decided to take the current polarization plaguing politics and played an inspired game of ‘what if?’ While the scenario that plays out in ALL ROADS LEAD TO NOWHERE features loads of futuristic technology and sci-fi hallmarks, the various motivations driving the story’s drama feel like an authentic extension of today’s post-pandemic landscape. Still, the real selling point here is Skikos’ disregard for convention. Rather than masquerading a cookie-cutter protagonist through a series of oh-so-familiar tropes, ALL ROADS LEAD TO NOWHERE slowly unravels like a series of shifting points of view. Sure, rotating perspectives may sound like a recipe for confusion, but the effect is anything but. In fact, the way the book’s chapters unfold like a series of vignettes adds a pronounced cinematic quality to the book. Add to that the consistently-smart dialogue and the authentic motivations guiding each of these characters, and you have a novel that succeeds in separating itself from the admittedly crowded ‘post-apocalyptic’ waters.

Sure, one could argue that a higher page count and a smaller cast would leave more room for exposition, but Skikos clearly understands that when it comes to the end of the world, the past no longer matters. In fact, the author’s full-on embrace of a ‘less is more’ methodology is a refreshing change of pace for a debut release.

With ALL ROADS LEAD TO NOWHERE, Alexander Skikos examines classism from all angles, and, in the process, offers a tight, post-apocalyptic tale that delivers an epic concept in a brisk, page-turner package.

~James Weiskittel for IndieReader

New Degree Press

Publication Date:

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By Alexander Skikos

ALL ROADS LEAD TO NOWHERE by Alexander Skikos is a dark, powerful, elite-verses-everyone-else scenario, set in post-apocalypse America. What sets this apart from other similar novels is the author’s keen talent for believable world-building and realistic political conflicts echoing today’s polarized landscape.