IR Approved Author Mike Murphey: “…few of us will become either rich or famous. So, you really must get your reward from the creative process.”

The lives of three friends are shattered by the murder of a classmate during their sophomore year of high school in a small town on the high plains of Eastern New Mexico where life is defined by straight roads and straight laces.

Continue ReadingIR Approved Author Mike Murphey: “…few of us will become either rich or famous. So, you really must get your reward from the creative process.”

What Motivated IR Approved Author Scott Grusky: “…the dream that our species might one day evolve into one that is non-violent, non-destructive, non-polluting + non-discriminatory.”

As a tree-hugging conservationist, Anja Lapin refuses to digitize her body using the algorithm released by her father's tech company. Even when everyone else on the planet becomes a zero percenter, Anja holds firm to her convictions.

Continue ReadingWhat Motivated IR Approved Author Scott Grusky: “…the dream that our species might one day evolve into one that is non-violent, non-destructive, non-polluting + non-discriminatory.”

IR Approved Authors John Robinette + Robert Jacoby on “the power of love and loss—and the equally vital power of resilience.”  

In the spirit of the classic "Tuesdays with Morrie" with the immediacy and pathos of the recent bestseller "Two Kisses for Maddy", "Never Stop Dancing" is a poignant meditation on the power of love and loss—and the equally vital power of resilience.  

Continue ReadingIR Approved Authors John Robinette + Robert Jacoby on “the power of love and loss—and the equally vital power of resilience.”  

IR Approved Author Tim Westover: “…being an indie gives you so much more control over all parts of the [publishing] process.”

A big-city doctor with the best scientific medicine of the 19th century comes to small-town Georgia to rid the people of their diseases and superstitions. But the Winters sisters--folk healers--are more than a match for him.

Continue ReadingIR Approved Author Tim Westover: “…being an indie gives you so much more control over all parts of the [publishing] process.”