What You Should Know If You’re a Niche Genre Writer
If it's November it Must Be NaNoWriMo and Publishing Experts Share Their Tips, In Memory + more in this week's roundup
If it's November it Must Be NaNoWriMo and Publishing Experts Share Their Tips, In Memory + more in this week's roundup
"Wished Away" is about a spunky woman named Jess who has it all.
No matter what you do, there will be critics. – Woody Allen.
The eyes of the world are on Finland in November 1939, as its Winter War with Russia turns into a classic David and Goliath struggle.
If you like Jonathan Lethem, Charles Portis or Chuck Palahniuk, if you’re receptive to dark comedy and you like a lean novel that’s chock-full of quirky characters and weird situations, you’ll probably like this one.
There are four forces that work against investors in their pursuit of long-term financial security: inflation, volatility, group think and global disruptions and dislocations.
Set in 1940s Tennessee, "South of Everything" is a magical coming-of-age story about the daughter of a plantation-owning family, who, despite her privileged background, finds more in common with “the help”.
This IR Approved memoir follows the trials and tribulations of a comedy troupe in the mean streets of Manhattan in the 1980s, as told by one of the writers.
Two Divorce Mediators use information gathered while counseling couples to help them be proactive in their relationships before they get on the path to divorce.
Kindle Scout Now Available World-Wide, Upcoming Indie Author Events, IR's Bestseller List: Get them while they're still indie + more in this week's round-up
It's the type of work demanded by the technical age: the pieces are immediately accessible, they tell a story and they are something you can go in and out of and read out of context.
Author Solutions Case Ends in Settlement (but there's another class action pending), Reedsy Launches an Author Survey, The Rabbit Who Wants to Fall Asleep Snagged By Trad Publisher + more in this week's round-up
A fun, fast-paced read, full of action and adventure that offers surprises at every twist along the journey.
Saving Mona Lisa is a fascinating read for anyone interested in history, art, France, Paris, the Louvre or simply a gripping, inspirational story.
The idea that differing lifespans could give beings strange powers came about when I was a Peace Corps Volunteer in Namibia, Africa.
I wanted to take everything I loved from the rave scene and make a world out of it to call my own.
One woman's inspirational guide to a grand, lifelong marriage.
Kindlepreuners from Across the Pond, A Flat Market for Traditional Publishers + more in this week's round-up
The dynamic main character, Holland Sackett Duell, sporting the good looks of George Clooney, was as suave and dashing in real life as any fictional Hollywood character that has graced the big screen.
New Editing App, "Go Set a Watchman" Breaking Records (Alike But Indie for the title forthcoming) + more in this week's roundup
All about the 2015 IRDA winner in the mystery category.
2015 First place Non-Fiction IRDA Winning Author says, "This book is meant to be your go-to guide for conducting a successful job search, sharing the basics everyone should master."
Hey, Baby, Look! was sparked to life one Saturday afternoon while doodling on a napkin at a coffee shop.
When the empires of reason and faith collide, the authority of each is called into question.