In LONE STAR ODYSSEY: First Steps, a thrilling first installment, a seasoned ex-military man must use his survival skills to find his way home during a terrifying EMP attack on American soil.
Talon Clark has seen his fair share of war and chaos. A seasoned military man, he is glad to have his tours of Afghanistan and brutal years as a Marine behind him. He now spends his days working as a contractor for various government jobs in DC, reluctantly leaving his family in Texas. But when the East Coast is suddenly hit by an EMP attack, Clark immediately recognizes the danger that lies ahead. While the reasons behind the terrorist attack are still unclear, there is no doubt in Clark’s mind that the attacks will continue with increasing destruction. Determined to get back to his family before it gets worse, he sets out on the long and arduous journey back home, with only his instincts to guide him.
Since this is the first installment in a forthcoming series, it’s safe to say that author David Wilson will continue to attract new readers with his uncanny ability to depict the struggles of people pushed to the brink. Both a political thriller and survival story, the narrative successfully combines the two in a way that feels fresh and exciting. It’s no surprise that the descriptions of weapons and gear are so vivid; the author is himself a Marine veteran. And while this does give the story a realistic sense of immediacy, all the lengthy details about tool shapes, sizes, and specs can sometimes be a bit much. But for those who relish that type of diversion (i.e. gearheads), it will be a welcome opportunity to geek out.
It’s easy for the reader to identify with Clark; he’s a man weary of the world’s demands, eager for a chance to live the simple life. His history is explored through flashbacks of his military days that are both frightening and enlightening; they give the reader insight into his decisions and actions under pressure. He’s a family man first and foremost, and it’s his relentless dedication to seeing them again that quickly endears him in our hearts. Every thought is shared in intimate detail so that the reader feels like they are his most prized confidante, resulting in a more satisfying and memorable reading experience.
LONE STAR ODYSSEY: First Steps is an absorbing epic that combines the best elements of a political thriller and survival story in a way that feels both fresh and exciting.
~Tara Mcnabb for IndieReader