Cigar-chomping, intrepid reporter Sally Will becomes embroiled in a multi-layered mystery spanning the globe. Sally faces an unstoppable hit man, Russian assassins, Mob bosses, and a race to save the President.
The ruthless and analytical assassin Mr. Wood targets and eliminates a low-level member of a biker gang in Colorado. The Vice President’s brother, recently discovered to be working with a notorious Russian mobster, spurs President Naslund into targeting the mobster on Russian soil. A Mafioso of the old-school variety learns one of his allies is entering Witness Protection and will testify against him. Enter Sally Will, national correspondent for the Chicago Tribune. As the action unfolds, these seemingly disparate plotlines are deftly interwoven.
FATAL REDEMPTION is a deftly constructed mystery thriller that keeps readers on the edge of their seats until the very last page. Authors Kilzer and Boyden breathe life into dynamic characters and flowing dialogue. Mr. Wood’s identity, the major mystery of the story, is proven wrong several times, always ratcheting up the tension. The story is ambitious and nearly pulls it off. It combines a captivating heroine, multi-layered mysteries, and high-wire tension into a thrilling rollercoaster ride.
However, the novel could stand to go through a round or two of substantive editing. There are numerous grammar, spelling, and formatting issues that take the polish off an otherwise engaging read. Like an uncut diamond, FATAL REDEMPTION needs expert hands to refine the story into a stellar blockbuster. The plot, or rather plots, sometimes rely on conveniences that often break the reader’s sense of belief, such as the improbable methods Mr. Wood utilizes to pick off his victims in the Witness Protection program and the luck with which he’s able to foil the authorities. Negatives aside, this thriller grabs readers by the throat and refuses to let go. This bodes well for future books in the Sally Will series, hinted at in the final pages of the novel.
A multi-layered thrilling mystery, FATAL REDEMPTION shines. Readers have to hold tight as the action races across the globe culminating in a showdown that must be read.