IMMORTAL GIFTS, the first installment in Katherine Villyard’s Immortal Vampires urban fantasy series, brings a fresh perspective to the well-trodden vampire genre through its innovative fusion of Jewish theology and history with supernatural elements. Villyard’s story unfolds through a non-linear narrative that spans centuries and continents as it traces the long, lonely journey of Abraham Levy, a gentle Jewish musician turned into a vampire against his will in 1841 Prussia.
Abraham’s story unfolds in chapters that alternate between past and present. In the present-day storyline, Abraham has finally found contentment with his mortal wife Destiny, a quirky, vegetarian veterinarian. But this domestic bliss is shattered by the reappearance of Thomas, a vampiric Spanish Inquisitor and unhinged antisemite determined to eradicate the Jewish vampire he considers an abomination. As Thomas’s threats escalate, the historical chapters relate Abraham’s winding path from naive violin prodigy to bereaved immortal being relentlessly stalked across time.
One of Villyard’s strengths as a storyteller is her skill in using vampire mythology to explore themes of otherness and persecution. Thomas, for instance, embodies centuries of antisemitic violence, declaring that “Eternal life is a blessing and a reward—a reward for Christian faith. A gift that Ludwig accidentally cheapened and debased by giving it to the unworthy.” The theme of exclusion runs throughout the novel, particularly in how Abraham’s vampirism affects his ability to practice his faith—as shown when he explains that “I couldn’t walk to synagogue in the daylight…I couldn’t participate in religious services any more.” This physical limitation becomes symbolic of his feelings of exclusion and otherness, reinforcing Villyard’s use of supernatural elements to explore very real historical patterns of religious persecution.
IMMORTAL GIFTS also boasts a wickedly arch sense of humor, largely through Villyard’s canny use of contemporary references. Where else would a vampire roll his eyes at white supremacists ranting about George Soros and “Jewish space lasers”? Or gripe about his friend’s “Ren Faire dishes”? This playful, self-aware absurdity leavens the story’s dark elements to pleasing effect.
Villyard brings both intellectual rigor and emotional authenticity to a tale that, despite its high body count, is fundamentally about love, loyalty, and being true to oneself against all odds. While the novel’s ambitious scope occasionally results in uneven pacing, readers seeking a fresh take on vampire lore and an emotionally resonant reflection on love, death, and faith will find much to appreciate.
Katherine Villyard’s IMMORTAL GIFTS is literary catnip for vampire fans hungry for a fresh, deeply humanist spin on a beloved paranormal trope.
~Edward Sung for IndieReader