Inspired by heartbreaking true events in a home for unwed mothers, journeying from Boston to Ireland, the No.1 bestselling novel The American Girl is a heartrending and captivating story of mothers and daughters, love and cruelty, and the triumph of hope.
Boston 1968. Rose Moroney is seventeen, smart, spirited – and pregnant. She wants to marry her boyfriend but her ambitious parents have other plans. She is sent to Ireland, their birthplace, to deliver her daughter in a home for unwed mothers – and part with her against her will.
Dublin 2013. Martha Sheeran’s life has come undone. Her marriage is over, and her husband has moved on with unsettling speed. Under pressure from her teenage daughter, she starts looking for the woman who gave her up for adoption more than forty years before.
As her search leads her to the heart of long-buried family secrets, an old flame also re-enters her life. Can the future offer an unexpected new beginning?