BEYOND EXPECTATIONS INTO a WORLD of POSSIBILITIES: Insight, inspiration, life lessons and stories from working with children, teens and young adults with diverse abilities received a 4+ star review, making it an IndieReader Approved title.
Following find an interview with author Patricia E. Bailey.
Name of the book and date published?
BEYOND EXPECTATIONS INTO a WORLD of POSSIBILITIES: Insight, inspiration, life lessons and stories from working with children, teens and young adults with diverse abilities. Published: October 30, 2021
First line of the book is a quote:
“Thus, I learned from life itself. At the beginning I was only a little mass of possibilities. It was my teacher who unfolded and developed them.” – Helen Keller
First line of the text: “Imagine the possibilities. Imagine the potential.”
What’s the book about?
BEYOND EXPECTATIONS brings life to issues, disorders, and syndromes that affect people the readers work with – from toddlers to teens, from neuro-typical children to children with diverse needs, and adults with communication difficulties. I use real-life examples to share insights, thought-provoking ideas, examples of techniques, practical strategies, and life lessons. By sharing my 45-year journey working with children, I represent the children’s voices. The readers come away with a deeper understanding of their clients and themselves. The book is a springboard for the reader’s ideas and inspirations.
It’s a valuable resource for anyone who works with children, teens or young adults with diverse abilities, and adults or elderly with communication needs. Together we can make changes and enrich lives. No matter who they are or what their ability is, everyone deserves to reach for their potential through learning from new experiences, connecting with others, and taking a part in life. The possibilities are there, ready to be developed.
What inspired you to write the book?
The idea of writing a book about my experiences first came from two teachers and a speech and language pathologist who suggested I share my skills and insights in workshops or a book. That seed of an idea stayed in my thoughts and surfaced years later when I worked in a support room for teens with diverse abilities. I couldn’t understand why some of the other staff seem to miss what a student needed when I found it obvious. Then, I discovered not everyone has the innate ability to understand and connect with people who communicate differently or have diverse abilities. I was still working in the schools and had no time to write. But the thought stayed in my mind.
The final push to write a book came from some parents of children I supported. They asked me why the school staff didn’t have the same skills as I did. They were frustrated and suggested that I share my ideas. They were right. Writing the book became something I had to do. All my years of work has led me to this point in my life. When I think about what my purpose is in life, I know it is to write this book and enrich lives.
What’s the main reason someone should really read this book?
Beyond Expectations is about empowering children and teens to communicate and advocating true integration where everyone is participating fully. It will inspire anyone involved with children, students, and people who have communication differences and diverse needs. The insights and stories are thought-provoking and provide the readers with a deeper understanding of the people they are connected with and a deeper understanding themselves.
Is this the first book you have written?
This is the first book I have written. I’ve written children’s stories and readers’ theater scripts for my storytelling performances and literacy activities for schools. As well, I recorded the stories onto two CDs.
What’s a great piece of advice that you can share with fellow indie authors?
DON’T RUSH THE PROCESS. After more than 15 years of preparation and writing, I was impatient to get the book published. That resulted in errors in the book.
TRUST YOUR INDIE PUBLISHER. I thought I did a good job editing my manuscript. Consequently, I didn’t pay for the publisher to edit. Big mistake. The first book had too many errors. I had to pay for more revisions and spend more time reviewing the revisions. Make sure you have a professional edit your book.
BE PATIENT. The process takes time. My book has a specific target audience that is large and has potential for a lot of sales. But it takes time to get the word out. I had to remind myself of this whenever I saw that sales were going at a snail’s pace.
Is there something in particular that motivates you (fame? fortune?)
What motivates me is the knowledge that I’m making a difference in people’s lives. The readers learn so much about themselves and the people they work with. Children, teens, and adults with diverse abilities and communication difficulties will have richer and more fulfilled lives.