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EVOLVE: A Children’s Book
By Jean-Pierre Weill
- Posted by IR Staff
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Despite the self-explanatory title, Jean-Pierre Weill’s EVOLVE: A Children’s Book For Adults ultimately defies description. Sure, Weill’s latest release may feature a combination of colorful pictures and heady content, but EVOLVE is more than just another coffee-table book (though it would make a great addition to any living room). If anything, EVOLVE is an invitation to readers from all walks of life to examine and reexamine their place within the universe.
EVOLVE draws upon three foundational stories from the book of Genesis, utilizing a trio of biblical stories to convey an overarching message of mindfulness. The book opens with a unique take on the story of creation, one that finds Adam (in a sans-Eve garden) assigning names to anything and everything. Standing in stark contrast to Adam’s whimsical naivety is the angst-riddled story of Cain, whose insatiable envy sparks an existential crisis. During the book’s final act, Weill reproduces the story of Abraham and his unwavering devotion to God. Taken at face value, EVOLVE faithfully recounts the book of Genesis. A closer look, however, reveals an overarching metaphor outlining our journey from infancy to maturity. The intention here, according to Weill, is to explore one’s purpose in an effort to eventually become “co-creative participants in our world.”
Weill’s poignant, life-affirming narrative notwithstanding, EVOLVE warrants repeat visits. Key to this are his breathtaking illustrations. All the superlatives in the world would not adequately describe the artist’s talent. Depicting his cast of caricatures with minimalistic line work and gentle watercolor splashes, Weill’s artistry elevates EVOLVE to a whole other level. Be it literal renderings (such as Cain’s murder of Abel) or metaphorical interpretations (like Adam’s vulnerability), Weill succeeds in capturing the essence of every passage. At no point does Weill’s message become lost in translation, thanks to the immersive scene that awaits with each turn of the page. Sure, the Bible may serve as the primary source material, but a working knowledge of the Old Testament is hardly required to derive meaning from Weill’s work.
If there’s one takeaway here, it’s that Weill has poured an ocean of thought and attention into EVOLVE. Every component of this book feels like a deliberate choice, from the glossy hardcover and heavyweight paper to the detailed ‘Endnotes’ section offering further thoughts and insight. To that point, it’s worth noting that Weill urges readers to forgo any digital version of EVOLVE, as “It was designed and created as a physical book.” The artist’s intent notwithstanding, Weill’s talent will likely shine regardless of which format readers choose. As with his debut (The Well of Being), Weill attempts to inspire a mental transformation through EVOLVE’s openhearted prose. A lofty goal, for sure, but one that he absolutely achieves.
Pairing a powerful message with breathtaking illustrations, Jean-Pierre Weill’s EVOLVE: A Children’s Book is a stunning combination of ambition and execution.
~James Weiskittel for IndieReader
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- Posted by IR Staff
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Drawing upon a trio of biblical passages in an effort to answer life’s biggest question, Jean-Pierre Weill’s EVOLVE (A Children’s Book For Adults) is the rare example of a ‘book’ that defies description. While the appropriately thought-provoking text is worth the price of admission alone, it’s the stunning, hand-rendered illustrations that elevate this title to ‘work of art’ status.
EVOLVE: A Children’s Book
Jean-Pierre Weill
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