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IR Approved Author Bedri Cetin Tells All About His Book

SACRED LIFE: Healing from the Virus in Consciousness received a 4+ star review, making it an IndieReader Approved title.

Following find an interview with author Bedri Cetin.

What is the name of the book and when was it published?

SACRED LIFE: Healing from the Virus in Consciousness; DATE of Publication: 21 December 2020

What’s the book’s first line? 

“I was born to a spiritual mother and a scientist father.” (Chapter 1, p. 23)

What’s the book about? Give us the “pitch”. 

Discover the ultimate direct path to Truth, Healing and Awakening by this inspirational self-help guide, which takes its readers into the fascinating realm of the Infinite Mind full with miracles and revelations!

What inspired you to write the book? A particular person? An event? 

“One day, I declared to my spiritual teacher: ‘My strongest passion in life is to become a healer and write a similar book, called ‘A Course in Healing.” He nodded in approval first. But then, just as he always did, he advised me to check with my Inner Guide so I could realize His Will regarding my decision.

“The same evening during meditation, I heard my inner voice in the quietest—but no uncertain—terms: “You will be writing an autobiography.” When I shared this revelation with my teacher, he was as perplexed as I was. He responded, “You have to be famous to have an autobiography published!” I couldn’t agree more!

“And now, 20 years later, my Inner Guide was the only One who could foresee such an unconventional undertaking. It never crossed my mind before to write a memoir until after I went through the darkest period in my life at my mountain home, when my intellect was completely disabled.” (Afterword, p. 194)

What’s the main reason someone should really read this book? 

Sacred Life is a soul story (memoir) infused with an original spiritual teaching making it an essential guide for anyone seeking to reach deeper levels of consciousness, and experience an equally deeper levels of healing, happiness, and inner peace. This book introduces new, yet profound ways of perceiving life through the realization of the divine Inner Guide based on Unity of Being, and transcending the ego founded on the illusory separation. It also takes readers into the world of intuitive silent knowing, the art of forgiveness, and joyful living via miracles and revelations. Readers can learn how to make the core Sacred Choice to embark on a SACRED LIFE with a direct path to Divine Truth!

Sacred Life ultimately aspires to reestablish the missing link between science and spirituality towards the start of the NEW MIND ERA.

“Strongly recommended to anyone on a spiritual path in search of freedom, inner peace, happiness and harmony, and for those troubled about some aspects of their lives!” —Readers’ Favorite

“Lucid, informative and user-friendly from the first page, SACRED LIFE: Healing from the Virus in Consciousness is a nourishing and highly recommended spiritual self-help book.” —C.S. Holmes for IndieReader

If they made your book into a movie, who would you like to see play the main character(s)?

Since Sacred Life is a spiritual self-help book written in the style of a memoir, I would love to see Keanu Reeves or Jim Carrey play the main character as both of these actors have strong commitment to spiritual enlightenment in their private lives, which also reflects in the type of movies they choose to lead in (e.g., Matrix, Truman Show & Bruce Almighty).

When did you first decide to become an author?

My highest passion was to be a Healer and to assist others in their own healing by what I learnt through the various challenges and adversities in my own life, so they wouldn’t need to “reinvent the wheel” and could benefit from my experiences and realizations.  When it occurred to me that I could reach many more people through what I love doing the most, which is teaching thru writing, then the idea to become an author has emerged naturally and spontaneously without any effort on my part.

What do you do for work when you’re not writing?

Since I always questioned the core underlying reason that has led me to fall in life, whenever I failed, so that I could rise back up, my life and my work has eventually merged into a whole one, as my learning has gradually transformed itself into writing, sharing and teaching. For the past 30 years, I have been living to ever deeply realize the spiritual Truth that I have learnt in the presence of my spiritual teacher as well as my divine Inner Guide so I can put them into living practice in my day-to-day life. This, in turns, allowed me to share and write from direct experience rather than a mere intellectual understanding. Such expression that is founded on a deepened realization was necessary so that the teaching could carry an ineffable yet solid authority and could touch other minds to be the same way in mutual resonance of Truth. The ultimate goal is to contribute to the flowering and transformation of collective consciousness at a global scale.

“What we now need is a shift in consciousness! Just like the Copernican revolution, which revealed that the sun does not revolve around the earth, a true Revolution in Consciousness is now inevitable and imminent!

As more and more people realize that the ego’s thought system does not work and that most spiritual teachings have become entrapments, we need a direct path to Truth!
It is now time for the NEW MIND ERA!” (Questions & Answers pp. 253-4)

How much time do you generally spend on your writing?

Out of the 30 years that went into preparing the novel ideas/concepts and the original teaching presented in the Sacred Life book, I must have written thousands of pages as notes, which got revised over and over again as my understanding and realization of the spiritual Truth deepened more and more throughout the years. When I sat down to finally write the book over a span of 4 months in 2020, there were days of contemplation and rest without writing a single word, followed by 30 – 40 hours of writing without interruption through many sleepless nights. Once a chapter was initiated with a strong Inner Guide driven intuition and motivation, I would not stop until it was finalized, and further editing took several more days under the supervision of my editor.

What’s a great piece of advice that you can share with fellow indie authors?

Write what you love the most until your writing and your life becomes an inseparable whole. Write until the separate writer disappears and only writing remains! When your writing comes from your mind inspired by the spiritual Heart, you will be guided throughout the process, and you will never feel alone at any time—you will always get the help you need at the most perfect time. Ultimately, the entire Universe will coordinate for the perfect accomplishment of your mission. You can trust it, and your trust will carry you smoothly over through the rugged terrain and rough waters.

“Everything you need will be there for you.” (Chapter 8 p. 133)

“Since universal desires arise from our innermost Oneness and Wholeness, the entire Universe takes part in their manifestation, which is what a miracle is.” (Chapter 7 p. 108)

“You can trust in trust not because you perceive that all is well, but because your trusting will manifest as all is well.” (Chapter 8 p. 136)

Would you go traditional if a publisher came calling?  If so, why?  

I would only because a major publisher—given their vast and diverse resources—can get the book to reach more masses than is ever possible through my personal efforts in book promotion. Having said that, I trust the entire process of being an indie writer/publisher, and I am open for the Universe to prove me wrong. Underneath it all, I know and trust that this book project is unfolding as it should according to its destiny set by the divine plan, which was whispered to me some 20 years ago. As Ramesh Balsekar (teacher of Advaita Vedanta) once said, “what is anticipated may never happen; but what is expected is bound to happen.”

“Most shockingly yet, nonlocality of time calls for the following fact:

‘Any event that occurs now is not only predetermined by the past but also post-determined by the future. Moreover, both the past and the future are within the access of our whole mind.’” (Questions & Answers pp. 230)

Is there something in particular that motivates you (fame? fortune?)

Nothing other than the pure Joy of sharing Knowledge; all else are dreams & idols set by the ego-based mind, which never brings true and lasting fulfillment at the end unless they come unsolicitedly. Yet, there is much Joy when Truth is shared, especially when such Truth is coming form our innermost Being/Heart, and when It can touch other Hearts. Unlike in the illusory physical realm, where the giver has less by giving away what he/she has, in the spiritual realm—which is the underlying reality of physical existence—by giving more, we have more, and by teaching and extending, Truth is strengthened in both the giver and receiver. By extending healing, we are further healed, and realize our Wholeness and Oneness in All. To me, this is what Love is in its truest and purest sense.


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