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Advice from IR Approved Author Mohammed A. Halim: “If you are not afraid of hard work, go ahead.”

PROBLEMS OF THE MUHAMMADANS – A Wake-Up Call received a 4+ star review, making it an IndieReader Approved title.

Following find an interview with author Mohammed A. Halim.

What is the name of the book and when was it published?

The name of the book is: PROBLEMS OF THE MUHAMMADANS – A Wake-Up Call. It was published on 21 September, 2020.

What’s the book’s first line?

Assuming chapter-Introduction constitutes the beginning of the book, the first line of the first  paragraph of chapter-Introduction, represents the first line of the book, as follows: In this book, objects or persons bearing Divine characteristics are described by words

What’s the book about? Give us the “pitch”.

This book is about the Koranic laws and rules on Muhammadism (the religion followed by the Muhammadans), and the way those laws and rules are being observed by the Muhammadans of today, all over the world. To facilitate understanding, some specific topics, related to Muhammadism, have been chosen, and verses of the Koran, related to these chosen topics, scattered throughout the Koran, have been  collected and presented together under the headings of their respective topics.  Although interpretations of some verses of the Koran have been discussed, it has primarily been left to the readers to make their own interpretations.

According to the Koran, Divine Messengers are always raised from among the people to whom they are sent, and the methods to follow the religions, introduced by the Divine Messengers to their respective people, are always designed to be compatible with those people.

Muhammad was raised from among the Arabs and was sent as a Messenger to the Arabs.  Likewise, Muhammadism was formulated in Arabic for the Arabs, and the methods to follow Muhammadism were designed to be compatible with the Arabs (e.i. compatible with their characteristics, customs, culture, habitat etc.). In fact, Koranic rules to observe some key practices of Muhammadism, such as, prayer, fasting, pilgrimage (Hajj), are neither valid in all the places in the world, nor applicable to all the people of the world. So, logically, neither Muhammad could be regarded as the Messenger, nor Muhammadism could be regarded as the religion, for non-Arabs. All the non-Arabs in the world, received their own Messengers, raised from among themselves, and the methods to follow the religions introduced by their respective Messengers, were designed to be compatible with them.

The present day Muhammadans address themselves as Muslims, but the Koran, in its entire volume, never addressed them as Muslims. In fact, the Koran has classified Muhammadans and Muslims as two completely different classes of people, where, a Muhammadan may or may not be a Muslim, and a Muslim may or may not be a Muhammadan. Also, according to the Koran, every newborn child, born anywhere in the world, is a Muslim.  However, as the children grow up, some may still retain their by-birth Muslim-hood, but the majority are likely to loose it, partly or fully. So, God has sent His Messengers to all the people all over the world, without exception, with appropriate methods (compatible with the people involved), to be followed, in order to retain or regain their by-birth Muslim-hood.

Obviously, those who will retain their by-birth Muslim-hood while growing up, will not have to follow the Messengers sent to their respective people, in order to be regarded as Muslims; but those who will loose their by-birth Muslim-hood, partly or fully, while growing up, will need to follow their respective Messengers, in order to retain or regain their by-birth Muslim-hood, suggesting that, in the present days, there are many times more Muslims among the non-Muhammadans of the world, than there are among the Muhammadans.

Since all the Messengers are sent by God, all the religions being followed by all the people, all over the world, are also from God, and so, God  accepts prayers of all worshipers, from all over the world, as long as it is Him they worship. Also, since all religions are from God, they all are equal to Him, differing only in methods, for being designed differently to be compatible with different people.

The Koran, in strongest term, has forbidden the Muhammadans, to criticize people who follow  different religions. With respect to religious matters, the Koran rejects all non-Koranic rules and laws, including all shariah laws, because, the shariah laws began to be formulated by various Muhammadan theologians, after Muhammad died and thus, after the Koran ceased to reveal. The Koran has expressly warned against following the rules and laws formulated by the theologians, in all religious matters.

Customs and practices, based on non-Koranic rules and laws, could therefore, never be regarded as religiously obligatory. In fact, the Koran has granted full authorization to the government of a country, to ban all customs and practices observed by the Muhammadans, claiming to be religiously obligatory, but are based on non-Koranic rules and laws. Observance of the customs and practices, based on non-Koranic rules and laws, seems to be the primary reason behind all the problems being created and faced by today’s Muhammadans all over the world, and are likely to continue, until they return to the Koran.

What inspired you to write the book? A particular person? An event?

It was the morning of 11 September 2001. I was sitting behind my desk at work (in Ottawa), while in the background, soft music was coming out of my telephone-radio which was tuned to the local country-music station. Suddenly the music stopped, quite abruptly. I looked up at the telephone. The radio station was announcing the breaking news: The New York Twin-Tower Trade Center was being hit by commercial passenger jets. When it was disclosed, at a later date, that the people behind this horrendous act were Muhammadans, it made me think. Although I was born in a Muhammadan family, I could not honestly call myself a devout Muhammadan. But still, I learned something about Muhammadism in the early days of my life. I knew something was wrong, and decided to look into the Koran for the answer. This book is a record of my findings.

What’s the main reason someone should really read this book?

This book describes the evolution of the Muhammadans from the time of Muhammad to the present days, and shows how, with the passage of time, like the followers of early Biblical Messengers, the Muhammadans of today, throughout the world, have strayed far away from the true Muhammadism, which was introduced by Muhammad, as prescribed by their Scripture, the Koran. As a result, the vast majority of the customs and practices (related to Muhammadism), they are observing today, are not only not in accordance with the Koran, but many of them are also in direct contradiction with the Koran.

Observance of these non-Koranic customs and practices are apparently having devastating effects on today’s Muhammadans. Corruption and dishonesty, hypocrisy and forgery, betrayal and treachery, barbarism and savagery, appear to have engulfed practically the entire Muhammadan population of the world. From the activities, being carried out by today’s Muhammadans throughout world, it appears that they are observing two different kinds of non-Koranic customs and practices in order to follow Muhammadism, namely, the violent kinds and the non-violent kinds, where, the violent kinds are inspiring many of them to engage in various violent activities all over the world, while the non-violent kinds are creating numerous non-violent problems, especially, inside the non-Muhammadan world.

The violent non-Koranic customs and practices have not only made many of the Muhammadans of today, fiercely intolerant toward people following different religions, but also have turned many of them into vicious murderers and violent terrorists. In fact, the violent non-Koranic customs and practices can turn perfectly normal, gentle, loving humans into savage beasts. Violent activities of varied natures, staged by today’s Muhammadans worldwide, are frequently reported in the media, which are likely to make many non-Muhammadans to wonder : Why on earth, today’s Muhammadans are so utterly violent and so intensely vicious.

The non-violent non-Koranic customs and practices may not turn their observers violent, but can create numerous problems, throughout the non-Muhammadan world, especially, in the western Christian world, they emigrate to. For example, consider the female clothing, like Burqas (head-to-toes over garments fitted with face coverings) and Hijabs (elaborate head coverings) and Niqabs (face coverings), which are creating numerous problems in many Christian countries they have emigrated to. They claim that wearing these clothing is religiously obligatory; but the Koran, in its entire volume, never ordered Muhammadan women to wear any of these clothing. In fact, these clothing did not even exist in Arabia during the time of Muhammad, but were introduced to the Arab society, decades after Muhammad died, and so, wearing them could not be regarded as religiously obligatory.

The governments of the affected countries are probably not aware that the Koran has granted them full authorization to prohibit wearing all of these clothing, in all public places, and has expressly ordered the Muhammadans to obey them. Apparently, the Muhammadans carry with them, their non-Koranic customs and practices wherever they go. This creates numerous problems, especially, in the western Christian world, as frequently reported in the media. A neutral observer, looking at these media reports, is likely to wonder: Why on earth, the Muhammadans seem to create problems wherever they go.

It is worth noting that, no Koran-approved custom or practice is likely to create any kind of problem in any society, anywhere in the world. It must however be kept in mind that, there are good people and evil people in every society in the world, and that is how the societies are evolved. However, since the majority of today’s Muhammadans seem to be following customs and practices based on non-Koranic laws and rules, the evil people among them are likely to be in abundance. The rule of thumb seems to be that, non-Koranic Muhammadism guides people to the evil path, while Koranic Muhammadism guides people to the right path. In fact, the Koranic Muhammadism is capable of guiding even the worst kind of people to the right path. A simple comparison between the pre-Muhammad Arabs and the post-Muhammad Arabs will confirm this.

The pre-Muhammad Arabs were probably the most savage people in that part of the world. By the time Muhammad died, they were transformed into one of the most advanced, caring and considerate people in the world. (It is indeed sad to see how they have deteriorated to their present state). This book presents a detail discussion on the state and activities of today’s Muhammadans all over world. It cites examples of numerous events and situations, where observance of non-Koranic customs and practices are creating problems of overwhelming proportions, all over the world, violent and non-violent alike.

Summarizing, this book describes the state of the Muhammadans throughout the present day world, especially, with respect to their image, as perceived by many non-Muhammadans and neutral observers, mentioned above; and explains how they got into this situation in the first place, and how they can get out of it. This may make someone wanting to read this book.

When did you first decide to become an author?

In the mid nineties, when I had enough materials in my hand, which, I thought, could be published in the form of a book.

Is this the first book you’ve written?

No. My first book was published in 2001.

What do you do for work when you’re not writing?

I am retired.

How much time do you generally spend on your writing?

Right now, I am not writing any book and most likely will not write anymore books. (I am 87 years old).

What’s the best and the hardest part of being an indie?

The best part is the freedom to write whatever is desired, as long as, it is not unsocial. The hardest part is that it involves lots of work.

What’s a great piece of advice that you can share with fellow indie authors?

If you are not afraid of hard work, go ahead.

Would you go traditional if a publisher came calling? If so, why?

May be. (As the saying goes: Never say never). Depending upon the situation.

Is there something in particular that motivates you (fame? Fortune?)

I wrote this book to make people aware of the evil activities carried out by evil Muhammadans, who follow non-Koranic laws and rules to practice Muhammadism. Also, to make people aware that all Muhammadans are not evil, and there are Muhammadans, who follow Koranic laws and rules to practice Muhammadism and thereby, are guided to the right path.

Which writer, living or dead, do you most admire?

Stephen Hawking, for his book, “A Brief History Of  Time”, in which, he describes complex subjects in simple and easily understandable language.

Which book do you wish you could have written?


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