The Turning Point received a 4+ star review, making it an IndieReader Approved title.
Following find an interview with author Julia Ash.
What is the name of the book and when was it published?
I published The Turning Point on June 2, 2020.
What’s the book’s first line?
“The First Lady of the United States occasionally hissed and grunted, but she had never chirped.”
What’s the book about? Give us the “pitch”.
Hunted, used, and genetically altered by the government elite for her blood, vampire Ruby Spencer has kept true to her immortal mission: to champion peace between the planets. Yet, new unrest festers. Animals are tired of injustices committed against their kind by humans and vampires. With nearly limitless power, Ruby should easily quell the animal rebellion through negotiations. Only, she has an unexpected liability; she can’t understand their language. Meanwhile, old enemies seek her blood for their latest nefarious plan, and they’ve learned how to immobilize her. Will Ruby end the intergalactic war, or will her adversaries end her?
What inspired you to write the book? A particular person? An event?
The Turning Point is the third installment in my crossover series (The ELI Chronicles), a melding of fantasy, sci-fi, and horror. Residing between the fantastical and near-future realism, my series attempts to show the negative consequences of greed. Ultimately, though, each book is about perseverance and survival—both more effectively achieved with help from others. So, my inspiration is theme based: survival against all odds.
What’s the main reason someone should really read this book?
Most people enjoy The Turning Point for its unexpected and exciting ride! My favorite books are page-turners that keep me guessing how the story threads are going to weave together into a satisfying resolution. Providing that reading experience is my motivation for every book I write.
What’s the most distinctive thing about the main character? Who-real or fictional-would you say the character reminds you of?
One of Ruby’s mottos is “confidence over fear” and that drives her through every challenge. She is fierce and never gives up, even when the odds seem hopeless. Her tenacity, sense of justice, and never-say-never attitude reflect the person I would aspire to be in an apocalyptic crisis. Being an inspiration is Ruby’s most distinctive quality.
If they made your book into a movie, who would you like to see play the main character(s)?
I picture the talented Ariana Grande, with her long ponytail, as Ruby Spencer. Maybe the singer also acts?
When did you first decide to become an author?
Inspired by A Wrinkle in Time (Madeleine L’Engle), I dreamt of becoming an author as far back as middle school. I retired early from my career in public relations to make my longstanding dream a reality.
Is this the first book you’ve written?
The Turning Point is the fifth book I’ve written, but only the third book I’ve published. I finished my first manuscript in 2014 and realized I had a lot to learn about crafting solid story structure. My first published book, The One and Only, was released in 2018 as Book #1 in my ELI Chronicles series. A year after publishing The Tether (2019), I released The Turning Point (2020) which is the third and final installment in the series.
What do you do for work when you’re not writing?
I’ve been writing fulltime since 2015. Prior, my career was in public relations where I worked for a school system.
How much time do you generally spend on your writing?
My goal is to write three hours of new text each day. After writing, I spend time outlining, editing, marketing, and/or researching.
What’s the best and the hardest part of being an indie?
The best aspect of being an indie author is receiving praise from a reader. Since my goal is to provide a well-crafted, twisty, exciting ride for readers, reviews let me know how well I’m doing my job.
The hardest part of being an indie is competing for visibility on digital book platforms. Thankfully, I found IndieReader which helps self-published authors like me address this challenge! They offer review services, connecting an author’s books with a pool of reviewers, similar to what NetGalley offers for traditionally published books. Reviews definitely help enhance visibility, as does the Edelweiss catalog. IndieReader has been an amazing support and resource!
What’s a great piece of advice that you can share with fellow indie authors?
Be the turtle, not the hare!
In contrast, I came out of the writing gate full speed ahead…pumped with adrenaline, excited, and wildly ambitious. I focused on the endgame: becoming a bestseller. It wasn’t a question of if, just how soon! (LOL! Sounds embarrassing now!)
Please don’t misunderstand; my advice isn’t to suggest less enthusiasm. Rather, apply the same amount to each crucial step in the development of sound storytelling. Be the turtle and not the hare because the idea of a big win is not as powerful as taking the necessary steps to get there.
With my first two manuscripts collecting dust, this is the advice I wish I had told myself!
Would you go traditional if a publisher came calling? If so, why?
I would consider traditional. I’d be interested in comparing the processes, as well as the pros and cons. My hunch is that indies would be the perfect client for agents and traditional publishers, as we understand all the aspects of what it takes to publish a novel. That, and we work our fingers to the bone. Of course, relinquishing control would be an adjustment!
Is there something in particular that motivates you (fame? fortune?)
My motivation is to provide a well-crafted, twisty, exciting ride for readers! After all, readers are the gate keepers to an author’s fame and fortune!
Which writer, living or dead, do you most admire?
Bram Stoker. Dracula is a timeless masterpiece that is as eternal as the Count himself!
Which book do you wish you could have written?
Dracula by Bram Stoker. This classic is oozing with atmospheric tension. I also appreciate how Stoker used journals, diaries, letters, and telegrams to move the story forward, while masterfully capturing each character’s voice. A brilliant work that continues to inspire author envy!