Tucker’s Eyes received a 4+ star review, making it an IndieReader Approved title.
Following find an interview with author Frank Adams.
The name of the book is Tucker’s Eyes: Life Lessons From a One-Eyed Havanese. The book was published 1/17.
What’s the book’s first line?
“Tucker was born January 31, 2003 at Jomaran’s Havanese in Rosthern, Saskatchewan.”
What’s the book about? Give us the “pitch”.
The book is about my canine son, Tucker, who experienced the loss of his lifetime companion and cousin, blindness, and cancer surgery but who emerged rejuvenated, his love of life and people greater than ever before. From his experiences I have drawn life lessons that I feel may benefit all species.
What inspired you to write the book? A particular person? An event?
It was an event. Tucker loved to race about our home at break neck speeds defying me to catch him but had stopped this activity with the loss of his right eye to cancer. About two weeks following surgery he suddenly took off around our home, moving faster than ever before, up and under furniture without hesitation. I was amazed and knew that I had to tell his story.
What’s the main reason someone should really read this book?
The loss of a companion, cancer, and the effects of aging are common occurrences in our lives. In contrast to many humans who become depressed with these events dogs are known to live in the moment. By learning from Tucker’s behavior you will continue his mission to give love and support to all.